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The moderation on this site is wank...

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We can always learn. Fair enough, the vast majority are happy, good! We're heading in the right direction, at least. But we can't sit on our laurels. I know it can be frustrating, and I'm not denying I've thought about jacking it in, but at the end of the day, if the ideal is something we truly aspire to, surely it's worth striving towards?


We should try to take the criticisms objectively rather than personally...and the criticisers should try to make it less personal and more objective (hint, hint)...at the end of the day, as long as we improve, who's complaining?



Sow and thou shalt reap, oh brother.

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Problem is Fin its always Rick and Jay who seem to have the problem !

I for one refuse to make further changes to the way I moderate - its common sense.

I had to 'moderate to hell' the new Smile post in events as it was going way off topic and Rick, yet again, went into nasty personal attack mode - its not on.

What angers me the most is that when we DO make a decision / moderate a post he and a couple of others have to keep replying back on the same thread 'why why why...' 🥱

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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James said:

Problem is Fin its always Rick and Jay who seem to have the problem !


I for one refuse to make further changes to the way I moderate - its common sense.


I had to 'moderate to hell' the new Smile post in events as it was going way off topic and Rick, yet again, went into nasty personal attack mode - its not on.

I did not attack anyone personally, I asked for an explanation for an ealier attack on anyone who goes to a tidy event being called a twat... Seem's you wouldn't know what a personal attack was James...


You didn't moderate it fairly or a start James, I asked for an explanation on why luu luu feels that way about tidy and was awaiting an answer when you so rudely started selectively to delete posts...


If you are going to moderate fairly, then stop making things personal...

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You were ...


a) off topic (as others were)

B) blatently nasty to LuLu


and no, I wasnt making things personal

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James said:

You were ...


a) off topic (as others were)

B) blatently nasty to LuLu


and no, I wasnt making things personal

Be honest here please James...


I was:-


a) Replying to a point made in another post

B) Wanting an answer


Please tell me where I was nasty in any of this, apart from calling her a sheep for following the tidy slagging herd???

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Mr_Happy said:

no complaints.


i dont thinkt he rules are restrictive in the slightest. infact i'm all for em. as for the inconsistancy, i've not noticed any, but if there is i'm sure its down to posts not being spotted (which is where us mortals come in :P )


the only comment would be about how some threads are moved into diff forums when they are applicable for the forum they were originally posted in.


Good point. thumbs.gif

I don't do much on this planet, but David Blaine has taught me that I could do less!!

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James said:

Problem is Fin its always Rick and Jay who seem to have the problem !





i disagree james, apart from today when have i ever voiced an issue with the moderation other thatn support it??


please elaborate on your statement

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rickd said:

apart from calling her a sheep for following the tidy slagging herd???


How do you know this isn't her real opinion on things? I think most of us saw what luu was meaning......people constantly follow whatever tidy does above everything else. At the end of the day everyone is entitled to their own opinion, who are you to judge whether its a sheep reply or not. I can't understand why people just can't except other peoples views without having to determine why they have made that post and have to have people explain themselves!


I disagree with alot of the things people say but I don't waste my time having to know why they think that way or accuse them of being something when I have no idea what the person is really like. shrug.gif

www.djphilbenson.co.uk - updated 28/08/04

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Phil_B said:

rickd said:

apart from calling her a sheep for following the tidy slagging herd???


How do you know this isn't her real opinion on things? I think most of us saw what luu was meaning......people constantly follow whatever tidy does above everything else. At the end of the day everyone is entitled to their own opinion, who are you to judge whether its a sheep reply or not. I can't understand why people just can't except other peoples views without having to determine why they have made that post and have to have people explain themselves!


I disagree with alot of the things people say but I don't waste my time having to know why they think that way or accuse them of being something when I have no idea what the person is really like. shrug.gif


his opinion is that she is a sheep, respect his opinion.

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Kether said:

Surely not all posts are viewed by moderators, if a post is out of order and ppl think it's not been moderated appropriately can't they just report it?


yes, there is a 'notify moderator' button under every single post - not many use it. shrug.gif

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Phil_B said:

I disagree with alot of the things people say but I don't waste my time having to know why they think that way or accuse them of being something when I have no idea what the person is really like. shrug.gif


I feel the same way. I'm just happy to accept that I will and do have differences of opinion to people.

I don't do much on this planet, but David Blaine has taught me that I could do less!!

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Jay said:

his opinion is that she is a sheep, respect his opinion.


did i ever say i didn't? as far as i'm concerned rick and anyone else can think anything they want.....doesn't make any difference to me!

www.djphilbenson.co.uk - updated 28/08/04

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Phil_B said:

rickd said:

apart from calling her a sheep for following the tidy slagging herd???


How do you know this isn't her real opinion on things? I think most of us saw what luu was meaning......people constantly follow whatever tidy does above everything else. At the end of the day everyone is entitled to their own opinion, who are you to judge whether its a sheep reply or not. I can't understand why people just can't except other peoples views without having to determine why they have made that post and have to have people explain themselves!


I disagree with alot of the things people say but I don't waste my time having to know why they think that way or accuse them of being something when I have no idea what the person is really like. shrug.gif


and further to my last comment, he CAN call her a sheep because she herself has called people sheep for following Tidy.



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