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The moderation on this site is wank...

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  • CTW Admin

People can have whatever opinions of their own they want - it just gets tiresome when they then start predicting or 'assuming' other peoples' opinions.


Assumption is a trait of arrogant people IMO

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Jay - i'm totally confused as to what your points are now ! confused.gif

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Phil_B said:

Jay said:

his opinion is that she is a sheep, respect his opinion.


did i ever say i didn't? as far as i'm concerned rick and anyone else can think anything they want.....doesn't make any difference to me!


errr yes you did


Phil_B said:

who are you to judge whether its a sheep reply or not.



he is not judging it is an opinion


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James said:

Jay - i'm totally confused as to what your points are now ! confused.gif


i never really had one, usually im happy with the modding, but sometimes you or someone else has a funny turn and starts deleting stuff when there is no need, the stuff you deleted earlier was ridiculous, off topic admittedly but still justified, it wasnt a random rant.


i understand the need for moderation, but the Capn is no good at it (sorry mate its an opinion) Don and fin do a good job, kevs a cunt and you like to delete riks posts. thats about it

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Phil_B said:

Jay in any of my posts did I ever type he COULD'T call her a sheep? No, I think not.....I just made the point of how does he know this isn't her real thoughts on the matter.


in your own words phil...


Phil_B said:

I can't understand why people just can't except other peoples views without having to determine why they have made that post and have to have people explain themselves!


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Phil_B said:

rickd said:

apart from calling her a sheep for following the tidy slagging herd???


How do you know this isn't her real opinion on things? I think most of us saw what luu was meaning......people constantly follow whatever tidy does above everything else. At the end of the day everyone is entitled to their own opinion, who are you to judge whether its a sheep reply or not. I can't understand why people just can't except other peoples views without having to determine why they have made that post and have to have people explain themselves!


I disagree with alot of the things people say but I don't waste my time having to know why they think that way or accuse them of being something when I have no idea what the person is really like. shrug.gif

I asked her if that was her opinion or was she just a sheep, but that if it was her opinion then to answer why she had that opinion in the first place rather than just calling all people who go to tidy events 'twats'... Where is any of the above abusive???


This is a message board, i'd like to know why people have certain opinions about things, it makes my day go quicker... shrug.gif


Also, there is no tidy event planned (as far as I know) for the 22nd Nov, so I asked her for the reason she was posting this in the first place...


Now, I still see nothing offensive in this... James does for some reason and i'd like to know what I posted that caused so much offense to him that he had to delete my posts and leave the other viewpoint still on the post, making it a very biased, one sided argument...

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  • CTW Admin
Jay said:

the stuff you deleted earlier was ridiculous, off topic admittedly but still justified, it wasnt a random rant.


confused.gif I moderated Rick's (and others) posts because they were off-topic. I specifically want to keep the event type posts clean - especially when in association with the site.


Jay said:

i understand the need for moderation, but the Capn is no good at it (sorry mate its an opinion) Don and fin do a good job, kevs a cunt and you like to delete riks posts. thats about it


Jack is doing a superb job IMO, as are the other mods.


Don is now the Head Moderator and has the option to change the moderating structure/rules as he sees fit.

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further to that, she has only voiced that opinion in the last few days when others have jumped on board the bandwagon aswell.




i believe it



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LittleMissLoud said:

Just a question, but what makes Captain Jack '[censored]' at moderating? I think he's a good person to have as a mod.

To me he doesn't seem to know what clubbing is all about and is also very biased towards certain subjects... As long as things are going his way, he's fine... As soon as someone posts something he doesn't like, then to hell with them...

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Rick - i deleted the offending comments - none of which have been quoted in this thread - so i'm talking about other comments. Next time I will note them down as backup to explanation.


hang on, why am I explaining myself again confused.gif


first and foremost everyones (not just your) comments were deleted for being entirely off-topic - they had nothing to do with the smile event. i also edited lulu's post with 'tidy twats' in

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