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The moderation on this site is wank...

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LittleMissLoud said:

Just a question, but what makes Captain Jack '[censored]' at moderating? I think he's a good person to have as a mod.


i never said he was "[censored]"

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ok, what makes Jack 'wank' at moderating ?

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rickd said:

I asked her if that was her opinion or was she just a sheep, but that if it was her opinion then to answer why she had that opinion in the first place rather than just calling all people who go to tidy events 'twats'... Where is any of the above abusive???


This is a message board, i'd like to know why people have certain opinions about things, it makes my day go quicker... shrug.gif


Also, there is no tidy event planned (as far as I know) for the 22nd Nov, so I asked her for the reason she was posting this in the first place...


Now, I still see nothing offensive in this... James does for some reason and i'd like to know what I posted that caused so much offense to him that he had to delete my posts and leave the other viewpoint still on the post, making it a very biased, one sided argument...


I think it may have been your 'desperate' post that was taken as being a personal dig Rick. If you looked luus post was modified to take the 'twat' out of it as it seemed that this was the bit that offended.

www.djphilbenson.co.uk - updated 28/08/04

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correct - thanks for reminding me Phil - it was Rick's comment / attack on her being 'desperate' which I thought was out of order - but at the end of the day the posts were deleted first and foremost for being offtopic.gif

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James said:

confused.gif I moderated Rick's (and others) posts because they were off-topic. I specifically want to keep the event type posts clean - especially when in association with the site.

No James, you moderated all disparaging views except the original post that caused the questions... If you want to keep the event type posts clean, then you'd do well to remember that there are a lot of clubbers that would read the statement from Lu and then decide not to bother with Smile if that is the attitude of this site towards Tidy (i'll point out once again that they are the largest events organiser in hard dance)... Yes this site... Or at least it seems that way if you delete other posts but leave that one up... Or even a quoted version of it (as is still there)...


Imagine if Tidy decided that they wanted to do an event with ctw... Then they come on here and see you slagging it (the same way Wildchild done, so don't say it wouldn't happen), what do you think would happen?? Yep, those ctw endorsed DJ's would not then have the chance to further their careers via that route... Either that or you would suddenly change your ways (as with Wildchild)... rolleyes.gif


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rickd said:

LittleMissLoud said:

Just a question, but what makes Captain Jack '[censored]' at moderating? I think he's a good person to have as a mod.

To me he doesn't seem to know what clubbing is all about and is also very biased towards certain subjects... As long as things are going his way, he's fine... As soon as someone posts something he doesn't like, then to hell with them...


Would like to name these subjects? You are biased and as long as things are going your way you come across as a sound lad, but if it goes against what you believe in you give everyone stick.


And what is clubbing all about if it isn't about the people, music and friendly atmosphere. Have I got this wrong?

I don't do much on this planet, but David Blaine has taught me that I could do less!!

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i DID edit Lu's post as well !!!

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Phil_B said:

I think it may have been your 'desperate' post that was taken as being a personal dig Rick. If you looked luus post was modified to take the 'twat' out of it as it seemed that this was the bit that offended.

Wow, the original post was modified, but not anywhere it was quoted I see... Great bit of moderating there... disappointed.gif

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I think there has been a whole misunderstanding here!! no-one was slagging tidy off, a comment was made referring to certain peeps, no names.... but at the last Smile/CtW event a few peeps chose tidy, Magna7 over CTW, fair enough their choice, but it was I think ment in the context of I wonder if these peeps will come to this next Smile event!!!

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rick, the whole event and dj thing is yet again up for question in either case. i'm not going to lose sleep on the 'big boys' not being happy anymore. we're going to turn this site back round to being a members site.

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My personal opinion here.. the fun seems to have gone out of the site. More & more people are noticing that it has become bogged down with politics. Dont get me wrong, moderators are required & they do a brilliant (and voluntary job with no rule books to go by!) it just seems that there is always some arguement on here whether it be with the mods, the way the site is run, the promotion or the djs & its hard not to take comments personally sometimes.

I think everyone needs to remember that its just a website, its supposed to be fun & designed for people to meet each other & continue to have fun. It seems we have lost site of that at the moment shrug.gif

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
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James said:

ok, what makes Jack 'wank' at moderating ?


i never said he was "wank"


i made the statement that the moderating at the moment is more wank than Sundis (to keep it on topic)


the only statement about jack was i think he is no good at it. (opinion not judging)


i never singled out Jack, he is a nice bloke and an asset to the board, do i think he is any good at modding, No.

Sorry, my reasons reflect ricks.

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rickd said:

Phil_B said:

I think it may have been your 'desperate' post that was taken as being a personal dig Rick. If you looked luus post was modified to take the 'twat' out of it as it seemed that this was the bit that offended.

Wow, the original post was modified, but not anywhere it was quoted I see... Great bit of moderating there... disappointed.gif


as we keep saying there is a notify moderator button

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miss_diddy said:

I think there has been a whole misunderstanding here!!


no lisa, i understand what rick is telling us

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