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The moderation on this site is wank...

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Jay said:

James said:

ok, what makes Jack 'wank' at moderating ?


i never said he was "wank"


i made the statement that the moderating at the moment is more wank than Sundis (to keep it on topic)


the only statement about jack was i think he is no good at it. (opinion not judging)


i never singled out Jack, he is a nice bloke and an asset to the board, do i think he is any good at modding, No.

Sorry, my reasons reflect ricks.


I would like to know what I have done wrong in moderating?


Baring in mind I post as normal on the site and rarely need to do any moderating if any.

I don't do much on this planet, but David Blaine has taught me that I could do less!!

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rickd said:

James said:

i DID edit Lu's post as well !!!

But as I said, you didn't edit anywhere it was quoted...


you seem to think this was intentional. I guess this is the difference between me and you Rick - I'm not that crafty to 'accidentally miss' a post. I honestly didnt notice the quotes - maybe people were quoting at the time i was moderating - i'm only human.

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Capn_Jack said:

Jay said:

James said:

ok, what makes Jack 'wank' at moderating ?


i never said he was "wank"


i made the statement that the moderating at the moment is more wank than Sundis (to keep it on topic)


the only statement about jack was i think he is no good at it. (opinion not judging)


i never singled out Jack, he is a nice bloke and an asset to the board, do i think he is any good at modding, No.

Sorry, my reasons reflect ricks.


I would like to know what I have done wrong in moderating?


Baring in mind I post as normal on the site and rarely need to do any moderating if any.


I back this up, what has Jack done to offend anyone and please give ME examples.

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rickd said:

James said:

as we keep saying there is a notify moderator button

Why do I need to use it when you have already deleted most of the posts on the subject without being notified??


I've used it now, just to keep you happy James...


you need to use it to inform us if we've missed additional quoted responses which contain text which needs re-moderating.

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CreamyC said:


I back this up, what has Jack done to offend anyone and please give ME examples.


answer: NOTHING


its just another 'dig' out of boredom i suspect

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miss_diddy said:

I think there has been a whole misunderstanding here!! no-one was slagging tidy off, a comment was made referring to certain peeps, no names.... but at the last Smile/CtW event a few peeps chose tidy, Magna7 over CTW, fair enough their choice, but it was I think ment in the context of I wonder if these peeps will come to this next Smile event!!!

No, Lu was slagging off the people who go to Tidy events instead... As I said to Tony the very first time he asked me about Smile, I was doing photo's at Magna7 for gurn as they'd asked me already... So what do you mean that I chose Magna over Smile???


And calling people twats and then expecting them to come to an event is stretching it a bit, don't you think??

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LittleMissLoud said:

Kether said:

Surely not all posts are viewed by moderators, if a post is out of order and ppl think it's not been moderated appropriately can't they just report it?


The most sensible thing said in this post notworthy.gif


Trust me to be the voice of reason eh? wink.gif

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James said:

rickd said:

James said:

as we keep saying there is a notify moderator button

Why do I need to use it when you have already deleted most of the posts on the subject without being notified??


I've used it now, just to keep you happy James...


you need to use it to inform us if we've missed additional quoted responses which contain text which needs re-moderating.

As I have done... It still seems to be there though...

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rickd said:

miss_diddy said:

I think there has been a whole misunderstanding here!! no-one was slagging tidy off, a comment was made referring to certain peeps, no names.... but at the last Smile/CtW event a few peeps chose tidy, Magna7 over CTW, fair enough their choice, but it was I think ment in the context of I wonder if these peeps will come to this next Smile event!!!

No, Lu was slagging off the people who go to Tidy events instead... As I said to Tony the very first time he asked me about Smile, I was doing photo's at Magna7 for gurn as they'd asked me already... So what do you mean that I chose Magna over Smile???


And calling people twats and then expecting them to come to an event is stretching it a bit, don't you think??


AGAIN Rick you got the wrong end of the stick hon!! I am not saying you chose or whoever.. I know your situation ref Smile & at the end of the day it is down to the individual what/where they go or do!!!! Are we clear now!! thumbs.gif

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rickd said:

And calling people twats and then expecting them to come to an event is stretching it a bit, don't you think??


i read that part as banter - unlike your, more personal, attacks

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rickd said:

As I have done... It still seems to be there though...


correct, i'm at work - and as stated CTW Moderating doesnt come first for me or any of the others - it shouldnt have to

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James said:

rickd said:

And calling people twats and then expecting them to come to an event is stretching it a bit, don't you think??


i read that part as banter - unlike your, more personal, attacks

But that's a biased viewpoint... Surely if you're moderating then it's the same rule for all in a post isn't it??


What personal attacks?? Calling Lu a sheep, does she take that personally?? Or the desperate bit?? How can that be called personal as she herself has said in plenty of posts that is what she is?!?!?! confused.gif

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SarahPvc said:

My personal opinion here.. the fun seems to have gone out of the site. More & more people are noticing that it has become bogged down with politics. Dont get me wrong, moderators are required & they do a brilliant (and voluntary job with no rule books to go by!) it just seems that there is always some arguement on here whether it be with the mods, the way the site is run, the promotion or the djs & its hard not to take comments personally sometimes.

I think everyone needs to remember that its just a website, its supposed to be fun & designed for people to meet each other & continue to have fun. It seems we have lost site of that at the moment shrug.gif


Too true.


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lu was making a general comment about a group of people - not a specific person - you decided to take that as a personal attack and then made a personal attack on her about being desperate. end of. its all irrelevent anyway as your posts were OFF TOPIC.

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