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The moderation on this site is wank...

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James said:

lu was making a general comment about a group of people - not a specific person - you decided to take that as a personal attack and then made a personal attack on her about being desperate. end of. its all irrelevent anyway as your posts were OFF TOPIC.

Ok, so why is Lu's post still there?? If I was off topic, then so was she as I was replying to something she had posted... Or is it another case of one rule for some and another for everyone else??

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same here

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CreamyC said:

I still cant believe we are having the argument over this. And I'm still waiting for examples ?

If you read through the post there are a couple of examples given to testify to the fuckups...


James, answer the questions in my previous post instead of hiding behind one of Kevs comments please...

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no, i can no longer be arsed to justify my moderating technique to you rick - you are one of very few who actually have a problem with it


*TOPIC CLOSED* (for me anyway)

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James said:

no, i can no longer be arsed to justify my moderating technique to you rick - you are one of very few who actually have a problem with it


*TOPIC CLOSED* (for me anyway)

So, as per usual, you don't have an answer for me, so you're gonna run away from it once again... How very mature of you, I applaud you once again...


And you wonder why people lose respect for you and what you are trying to do with this site James... disappointed.gif

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another interesting exchange of ideas.


i think that CTW is getting bigger and better and, as expected, the growth is causing a little strain. for what it's worth, i think the site is moderated appropriately given the nature of the content.


there seem to be a lot of people who shout "entitled to my opinion" or "free speech" as their position on every issue. sure you are entitled to your opinion - go and stand on the corner and tell it to the world.


james and CTW are under no obligation whatsoever to publish that opinion. it's incredible how many people who seem to value thr right to an opinion and to free speech misunderstand this very simple concept.


it's also amazing how many people who try to dress up everything as "opinion" in some weird libertarian attempt to be offensive. yes you have a right to your opinion but that doesn' tmean that everything you say is appropriate here. we're humans not monkeys and sometimes it's appropriate to expect a little more.


also, as with all online communities, there are a lot of people who seem to enjoy sitting behind their keyboards poking fun and telling everybody how wank everything is but have never lifted a finger to help. if you're not part of the solution you are part of the problem? probably.


to anybody who says that moderation on the site is 'wank' (which is so vague as to be pretty much useless), how many times have you used the 'notify moderator' button. what specific steps would you take to improve things?


finally, i often see the term "sheep" or "bandwagon jumper" levelled as some kind of insult by supposed 'free thinkers'. have you ever stopped to think that through? it is possible for a (large) group of people to have the same opinion yet not be sheep but i don't suppose you've ever considered that.


the way i see it, many people who claim they are 'free thinkers' are just using that as a way of excusing certain obnoxious behaviour- they're just conforming in different ways and are too arrogant or stupid to realise.


ok, that's my rant over.


i spend a lot of time in the serious forums and i think that they have improved dramatically since i joined. i think that having a published set of guidelines against which moderators can moderator has been a big part of that success. props to Capn_Jack, fintbeast and Don.


indeed, props to all the CTW moderators for their hard work at what is, it seems, essentially a thankless task.



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Capn_Jack said:

Wise words as always alasdairm. This forum really does benefit from your input. thumbs.gif


Agreed nod.gif

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Cherry said:

Capn_Jack said:

Wise words as always alasdairm. This forum really does benefit from your input. thumbs.gif


Agreed nod.gif


seconded! notworthy.gif

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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85 posts and still I have not recieved ONE example of Jack being a out of order with his moderating.


Please Note: Admins can check what Mods are moving what, Jack has hardly moved, deleted or closed ANY posts since he was made Mod and what he action he has taken has my full backing so please for the 85th time please give me some examples. If you cant then please dont reply no further to this post because for you lot to keep going on is [censored] ridiculous.


I repeat for those of you ignorant enough to ignore comments made by Kether. We can have as many Mods as we want on here but Off Topic or un relevant posts will STILL be missed, itd up to others to let us know about it. And before I hear some lame excuse about telling us in Posts well then thats just poiuntless because we dont read every post. Do us and yourself a favour and TELL SOMEONE, dont just sit on your arse and expect a Mod to do it. Only TWO people have ever reported such posts and they are tidy turd and alasdairm. If no one can be bothered to tell us then dont bother your arse moaning.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
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CreamyC said:


I back this up, what has Jack done to offend anyone and please give ME examples.


the sundis post, that was my beef personally & i like to moan

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Jay said:

CreamyC said:


I back this up, what has Jack done to offend anyone and please give ME examples.


the sundis post, that was my beef personally & i like to moan


Thats fair enough but I was as much a cause to that than anyone. But what did Jack do ?

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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it wasnt the thread it ws one of jacks replys that wound me up and i dont think it was the right thing to do being a mod.


respect to the guy anyway i have already said its not personal and to be honest id forgotten all about it until i got in 30 mins ago.


get over it

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