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The moderation on this site is wank...

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James said:

Right, thats it - despite PMing Rick the rules and my concerns about him destroying mine and the boards image he wont let things drop and has to stir things up yet again.


I've banned him - if anyone has an issue with my actions on this its tough I'm afraid.


Lets move on and get back to making this the fun & friendly place it once was ...




I think Rick has a fair point about asking who the people are that are calling him names. You've made a very unfair, personal attack and hidden behind unknown "entities" to do so. By your own standards your post breaks acceptability.


As for banning him, I personally disagree with this action. You have said that it's because it is of concerns of him destroying your and the boards image. As far as I can see in this thread, at most it's six of one and half a dozen of the other. Therefore, you too should ban yourself.


Same rules across the board.

w: www.bukeytheloon.com
e: cunt@bukeytheloon.com
msn: msn@bukeytheloon.com

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Sorry Bukey i've made my decision. I'm not backing down again for the 5th time. This has been going on for MONTHS.


Sometimes action has to be taken outside of any written or known rules.

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To be fair, with regards to Jack's post on the 15 year-old girl, he is entitled to his opinion, moderator or not.


I, myself, would have tried to look after the girl, as this is what I felt would be the right thing to do, but some people feel that by getting involved, they may get in too deep and be expected to cope with things they feel unable too.


They may even feel that they were not able to offer what this girl needed.


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Personally I back James's decision. I have nothing against RickD personally but on the board he has added nothing to this site in a positive manner - and spends most of his time jumping on other people posts that have descended into slagging matches or pursuing personal vendettas against other members he has issues with. Some of his personal attacks on James has been nothing short of staggering considering the amount of time Rick spends on this board which lets not forget James created for the benefit of people like him in the first place.


If people have issues with James and the way he runs the board, then I suggest discussing it with James in rational and constructive manner. And if you are still not happy and think you can do a better job of running a clubbing web site (whilst holding down a full time job) then why not create one yourself from scratch and then perhaps you will appreciate all the hours of thankless hard work that goes into it

Edited by colin66
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colin66 said:

Personally I back James's decision. I have nothing against RickD personally but on the board he has added nothing to this site in a positive manner - and spends most of his time jumping on other people posts that have descended into slagging matches or pursuing personal vendettas against other members he has issues with. Some of his personal attacks on James has been nothing short of staggering considering the amount of time Rick spends on this board which lets not forget James created for the benefit of people like him in the first place.


If people have issues with James and the way he runs the board, then I suggest discussing it with James in rational and constructive manner. And if you are still not happy and think you can do a better job of running a clubbing web site (whilst holding down a full time job) then why not create one yourself from scratch and then perhaps you will appreciate all the hours of thankless hard work that goes into it





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rickd said:

If you want an example of why Jack shouldn't be a mod though, look no further than the post that Lisa put up about the 15 year old girl... His opinions on that are bang out of order for a mod... He would rather watch someone die in a club than help them according to that... I'm sure none of the rest of you 'moderators' would condone that, but from the looks of that post, you do... shrug.gif


So having an opinion and a well formed reason for my choice, over the post about the 15 year old, I am some how unable to moderate? To be a Moderator do I have to conform to your views or can I just be myself and have my own views and beliefs based on my experiences?


You are just going to have to get used to the concept that people are not the same as you, they do not nescesarily believe the same things as you and are capable of having differing opinions to you.

I don't do much on this planet, but David Blaine has taught me that I could do less!!

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Capn_Jack said:

rickd said:

If you want an example of why Jack shouldn't be a mod though, look no further than the post that Lisa put up about the 15 year old girl... His opinions on that are bang out of order for a mod... He would rather watch someone die in a club than help them according to that... I'm sure none of the rest of you 'moderators' would condone that, but from the looks of that post, you do... shrug.gif


So having an opinion and a well formed reason for my choice, over the post about the 15 year old, I am some how unable to moderate? To be a Moderator do I have to conform to your views or can I just be myself and have my own views and beliefs based on my experiences?


You are just going to have to get used to the concept that people are not the same as you, they do not nescesarily believe the same things as you and are capable of having differing opinions to you.



He's banned Jack, who are you speaking to???

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Some people have got some stupid [censored] chip on their shoulders. ClubTheWorld is turning [censored].


Someone said to me yesterday (who only has 28 posts or sumin)


CTW is turning into Gurn.


Says it all really.


4clubbers already think its a Nazi camp.


People who said "lets not tarnish out reputation, lets not come across badly to other message boards."


You've tried to hard and now sunk. People follow like sheep on here, slating people etc.


WhizzyBB for example. [censored] quality lad, good SOH, good personality.... one post he put up, some1 started slating him and you all [censored] followed..... Twats.


I dont come on here half as much as i used to after all that [censored] wank before. ANY talk of drugs and the WHOLE [censored] THREAD got deleted. Then i got banned. And that was that. It really fucks me off.


Capt jack has a power trip goin 24/7. batty.gif


Rock on people... Cya @ Tidy.

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Cos u just have. Im not gonna start an argument.



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Mr_Moo said:

Cos u just have. Im not gonna start an argument.




Why say it then? I am interested to find out why you think I do, as you are the first person who has said that to me.

I don't do much on this planet, but David Blaine has taught me that I could do less!!

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