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Heat 24hrs in Amsterdam (15th - 16th November 2003)

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Hi guys!

I've got discount tickets available for Heat's 24hrs in Amsterdam on 15/16th November if anyone's interested? This is going to be NUTS!

Paul Glazby, Spencer Freeland, Steve Blake, Marc French, Simon Rutherford, Brad Thatcher, Macey, Lachlan Doolan, Scotty Hedges and a surprise guest to be announced shortly.

Details of the weekend:

- Sat morning catch the Ferry from Harwich to Hook of Holland - we control the music and visuals the whole way!

- Hang out at a bunch of coffee shops & bars that have been organised for us spliff.gif

- Then the actual event at 'The Powerzone' in Amsterdam - the biggest club in Holland! Holds 5,000 people!!! You have to see the pics of this place. AWESOME!!

- Then comes an extra really cool bit. After the night's finished at The Powerzone, we get picked up by canal boats and cruise on down the Amstel River to the afterparty at 020 Club (formerly 'Time')! HOW WICKED IS THAT?!?! hump.gif

- After the afterparty we hang out for a bit before heading back to the UK around lunch time on Sunday. Oh, you also get a free t-shirt and free cloakroom at The Powerzone. smile.gif

The package price is up to £74 I think, but I can get tickets for only £64 until the end of October (+£31 for train transfers London Liverpool St to Harwich and Hook of Holland to Amsterdam return if you need them -- usual price over £60!).

There's already been around 300 bookings confirmed from the last couple weeks, so it's proving to be pretty popular already. If anybody is interested, or would like some more information on the tour, please drop me an email at simonrutherford@hotmail.com or call on 0793 276 4541. It's going to be a wicked weekend, so well worth checking out if you can.

You can also check out Heat 24hrs in Amsterdam for full details.


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  • CTW Admin

This sounds fooking wicked! Would be an amazing trip


(Kev, remind me of any clashes for this ???)

CTW AdminClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world, together ...

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Bunnykins said:

Heard about this ages ago - wanted to go too tho no-one else seemed up 4 it! frown.gif


You should definitely come along if you can.

I wouldn't worry about coming alone and not knowing anyone either. There were heaps of people on the Ibiza trip that didn't know anyone but being with like-minded people that's never a problem.




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SimonRutherford said:

Bunnykins said:

Heard about this ages ago - wanted to go too tho no-one else seemed up 4 it! frown.gif


You should definitely come along if you can.

I wouldn't worry about coming alone and not knowing anyone either. There were heaps of people on the Ibiza trip that didn't know anyone but being with like-minded people that's never a problem.




ermmmmm no tash dont go on your own. i would be up for it if i had the spons but i really dont.

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  • CTW Members

This looks like a fantastic event!

Shame that I will be in Norway that weekend so I cant make it.


Reasonable price I have to say!

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  • CTW Promotors

I wanna go to these events abroad more!!

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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  • CTW Admin

money permitting i want to do [censored] loads more events abroad smile.gif

CTW AdminClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world, together ...

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James said:

money permitting i want to do [censored] loads more events abroad smile.gif


Totally with you on that one mate!!

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Bunnykins said:

is there gonna be another Heat Amsterdam next year? if so with more warning reckon a few of us could do that as long as it doenst clash with tidy!!! bigsmile.gif


I'm sure there'll be a lot more trips like this in the future.

Ibiza was brilliant, and Amsterdam looks to be just as good (if not better in some ways!), so I'd say it's the start of something pretty big. The success of this trip will lead to a number of pretty exciting things too.... keep your eyes peeled!


Any suggestions for what they should do next will be more than welcome too. Let me know what you think.




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