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Negative Member Feedback

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I think its about time that members on here can see the negative feedback we have from VERY valued members, sorry, OLD members - who choose to not frequent the site anymore.


I'm not saying I agree or dis-agree with any or all of the comments but I think its important that those who care about this site and the direction of it read these statements and see if they can understand or relate to any of them.


I can only promise that we most definitely WILL turn this site around, back to the days when people joined because they were given a card by a friendly clubber ...

thumbsdown.gif "it used to be fun but now everyone is shagging everyone, and its just an excuse to gossip and slag off!"


thumbsdown.gif "unless you get rid of half the people on there you will NEVER get it back to being fun!"


thumbsdown.gif "i could give you a list of about half the site with reasons to get rid of them all its all bolloxs nothing like it used to be!. i dont care if you show this convo to anyone else cos its what i think!"


thumbsdown.gif "i now only go on there to check my pms !"


thumbsdown.gif "every one needs to grow up! were not at primary school any more!"


thumbsdown.gif "i find myself going on CTW less and less these days - i never thought that would happen. i use other forums these days. one is more funky orientated."


thumbsdown.gif "i'm probably sodding off CTW now, i really can't be arsed with it, hence the lack of posts over the past week. rank banter, dull people, stupid self-interested promoters, and hundreds of posts that i'm not even remotely interested in. [censored] it, i've actually had enough, and come to the realisation i'm spending far too much of my time on here, and there's actually a world outside there full of interesting people and good nights, and anyway spending time on here is all for nothing since it's all english folk. half the meet-ups are shite anyway, full of [censored]-up mongos who can't think straight & can't see, either, and who have shite music taste and talk about nothing but [censored] drugs. yeah nice. when it comes down to it, i mean what's the incentive for me to come to a meet-up when the people i meet are gonna be like or whatever. or when the nights are going to be as [censored] as . folk like are quality, but they're few and far between on a site like this, so [censored] it."

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Maria said:

build a funky board to bring all the fun people back


you mean FUNKY....................... spliff.gif So that is it then, Harddance peeps are not fun???? hmmmmmmmm????? scratchchin.gif

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LittleMissLoud said:

It's not about getting rid of Hard Dance completely, it's about getting a healthy balance back between House/ Funky/ Trance/ Hard/ Tech/ DnB/ whatever.


yep & decent members yes.gifthumbs.gif

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hhhhhhmmmmmm indeed.


people keep stressing the fact lately that this is one community, to cater for all tastes.

It doesnt seem like that lately, I may be mistaken but James I feel personally mate that you yourself have been creating a slight "them & us" mind set.(as well as others)

Not completely but you have had your part and as you created this thread you are my example.

This bullshit about a funky site for the serious clubbers & a HH for the kids is ridiculous.

If i remember rightly you were bang into your HH last year, have you become a more serious clubber since your conversion.



the main issue which has changed the feel of the board is that it is different people on the board now, last year it was a lot more of a tighter group.


over xmas there was a massive influx of new members, there was like 200 over jan wasnt there and alot of the older peeps dropped off because the board became to fast, and full of people they dont know. not all people (myself include) can be bothered to talk to loads of random people again, who [censored] off after 5 mins. Dont get me wrong, alot of good people have joined since and im sure i would get on great with them, but i dont know them so / i havnt met them, so how can i have a community spirit??


you have changed since then aswell james imo, you have had to make some lifestyle changes which i respect you for but your not "one of us" in the same sense you were. i am not the only person to feel like that & personally i feel as youve met us and we have known each other for around a year & you know us on a personall basis not just on the web yeah you should value us.


im not saying we should get better treatment, thats bullshit were all equals but when you say stuff "them and us" it makes me wonder what was the point of meeting you in the first place?? if it wasnt to create a friendship why was it to improve your social life temporarily??. at the end of the day when this site has finally run its course how many people on here will be mates outside of it. that is more important, that is REAL which is why the site had a better atmosphere last year.




Not internet banter and bullshit which means nothing.


I love this site, i like & respect you and kev (although kev is a bit of a cunt) but its hard to keep a community spirit with a bigger site with lots of new people all the time.


in conclusion, it will NEVER be like it was bacuse the site is to big, i think we should re prioritise becuase trying to change the site back to how it was will just kill it.

and none of us want that.


if this has pissed anyone off im sorry but its my honest opinion if just a little hastily typed.

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Smaller communities within a larger community. Local area meetups for people living within certain areas and then large scale meetups that the site has and is used to.

I don't do much on this planet, but David Blaine has taught me that I could do less!!

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Capn_Jack said:

Smaller communities within a larger community. Local area meetups for people living within certain areas and then large scale meetups that the site has and is used to.


Correct. It gets bigger we arrange regional meets like whats being planned. THATS OUR INTENTION. To pro-actively arrange meet-ups for members on a regional basis and a national basis - ie, Alton Towers etc. WE organise that for OUR MEMBERS.


Yes, this is ClubTheWorld but we are more than just a clubbing website, we want to be more, we will be more. We want active weekenders, trips etc, we WILL do this and we WILL achieve this sooner or later, changes are expected in the new year and plans have been laid, we will be introducing this in the new year but it needs careful planning so we can organise good meets that people will talk about and meet new mates, thats why we ARE here. See ClubTheWorld Picnic. More of those next year, thats our aim and thats what we WILL achieve.


If you want to help OR have ideas then please let me know.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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but its hard to keep a community spirit with a bigger site with lots of new people all the time.


i'm not having a go at all jay (as i dont know you so please dont take this like that) as i get what you mean!!

but at the same time i think that there is still a spirit as most of us have met a few people at various events and meet ups and keep in touch with each other thro the site and travel to meet up with each other reg.Fair enough i am classed as one of the new ones as i only joined at the begining of the year but i do feel welcomed by people that have been here for a long time,its sad that people that have been here for ages feel that they dont like whats happeningbut even with the best will in the world you cannot please everyone and that is not meant as being nasty its just the truth,i for one would be glad if someone thinks that i am out of line pm's me and tells me,then i will try my hardest to sort it out unless i feel i have a very good reason and i would explain that!!!

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CreamyC said:



Yes, this is ClubTheWorld but we are more than just a clubbing website, we want to be more, we will be more. We want active weekenders, trips etc, we WILL do this and we WILL achieve this sooner or later, changes are expected in the new year and plans have been laid, we will be introducing this in the new year but it needs careful planning so we can organise good meets that people will talk about and meet new mates, thats why we ARE here. See ClubTheWorld Picnic. More of those next year, thats our aim and thats what we WILL achieve.


If you want to help OR have ideas then please let me know.


Possibly change the name of the site??? Club&meettheworld!!!

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Highlander said:


but its hard to keep a community spirit with a bigger site with lots of new people all the time.


i'm not having a go at all jay (as i dont know you so please dont take this like that) as i get what you mean!!

but at the same time i think that there is still a spirit as most of us have met a few people at various events and meet ups and keep in touch with each other thro the site and travel to meet up with each other reg.Fair enough i am classed as one of the new ones as i only joined at the begining of the year but i do feel welcomed by people that have been here for a long time,its sad that people that have been here for ages feel that they dont like whats happeningbut even with the best will in the world you cannot please everyone and that is not meant as being nasty its just the truth,i for one would be glad if someone thinks that i am out of line pm's me and tells me,then i will try my hardest to sort it out unless i feel i have a very good reason and i would explain that!!!



i agree with what youre saying, the spirit is still there, just underneath lots of bullshit.

I also agree you cannot please everyone, that is impossible.

All im saying is that we should accept what we are now and not try to be what we were. We can all still make worthwhile friendships on here. This year i have met lots of people i like such as Maria & lisa but its harder to find these people / get to know them with the board moving much faster & lots of people on here who dont really give a [censored].

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