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Negative Member Feedback

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Change is inevitable. And always good.

Fred The Baddie
Email: FredTheBaddie at ClubTheWorld dot com
MSN: Fox_Raynard at hotmail dot com
I am not part of any majority
-- Now in my MP3 player : Agnelli & Nelson - Holding on to Nothing --

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Daredevil_Tony said:

I only joined the site this year so I cant really comment on how it used to be.


Just wanna say Ive meet some fantastic people through CTW, honest and caring people who would do a lot for each other.

Didnt know anyone could be as nice as some of the CTW lot!!




yeah i 2nd that, ive met some great ppl off here too

sarcasm is the lowest form off wit. if wit was [censored] you would be constipated

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xpaulax said:

Daredevil_Tony said:

I only joined the site this year so I cant really comment on how it used to be.


Just wanna say Ive meet some fantastic people through CTW, honest and caring people who would do a lot for each other.

Didnt know anyone could be as nice as some of the CTW lot!!




yeah i 2nd that, ive met some great ppl off here too


yeahthat.gif thirded, I think the positive out weighs the negative at the end of the day thumbs.gif

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my negative comment feedback would be that there are too many posts like this now! too many 'what can we do..' where are we going wrong...' its tiresome - nothin seems to change so why keep bringing it up - its one of the reasons iv been comin on less recently


just to add to that though - people iv met from this site have been cool as [censored] (again.... except creamy who is a bit of a cunt), and is the reason i wont stop comin on here full time as i dont want to lose touch with members who i class as friends.

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Jamundino: couple of ideas:


Maybe get rid of the promote youself forum. only let regular (non promoters) post in the events suggestions to avoid promoters spamming.


It is interesting to see how people now arrange meetups themselves but still post about them. i think people are still welcomed to these meets, just because you're not there doesn't mean that people don't still meetup and join the site (probs even more because u r not there!).


CTW never will have that feeling it had last year (esp in dec, when I first met Jay batty.gif).


James: you really need to come up with a list of things that you are going to put in place.


Its cool to see CTW going through some changes, we just have to make sure they're for the best.


Full respec for the people who have been here and supported the site.

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yeah, agreed Tommy - i'm gonna plan stuff out better from now on - i finally confess i'm just digging up old issues again and again - time to put real plans in place and let everyone know whats going on more with earlier notifications of change.

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James said:

yeah, agreed Tommy - i'm gonna plan stuff out better from now on - i finally confess i'm just digging up old issues again and again - time to put real plans in place and let everyone know whats going on more with earlier notifications of change.

nice one!! good call!! thumbs.gif

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to be honest i dont know what planet i've been on these last 2 weeks - i can only put it down to work and other worries - is difficult for me not to let them affect my presence on CTW but i should try to refrain from letting it in future !


Last night at Wildchild was a major success and i realised all this board stuff means far less than we make of it - me and kev especially - the point being that everyone out last night had a fantastic time and we all got on superbly and all there for the same and right reasons - to have fun. I think during the week our other issues in life come into play on the board but the fact remains that when we're out we have FUN - fact - and thats ALL that matters in respect of this web site smile.gif


I'm sure come monday/tuesday i'll be winging about something else lol - joke wink.gif

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agreed - it was fooking quality seeing people like Bungle, Steph again who i've not seen for aaaages and also finally meeting DJ Elemental. It was a very real reminder that we've got some QUALITY (said in 'Fin' style) people on here - and as the man Fin said himself to me last night - EVERYONE is quality when we're out - i really cant think of any exceptions. Just wish geography didnt get in the way so much frown.gif

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