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Where do you wanna go in 2004 ?

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totally offtopic.gifbanghead.gif

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It's a long way off, but in september 2004 i move to Dijon in france. I'll be studying at uni there until June 2005.


I would love to go clubbing in Paris, or anywhere in france really.


If you wanted a CTW visit to france, im sure i could sort it out from my end. It would be amazing if some of you guys came over to stay!


And if it doesnt happen, but anyone fancies a trip to france next year, then u are more than welcome to come and stay with me! I will keep coming on the board despite not being able to get to any of the UK meet ups!

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  • CTW Admin

that sounds fantastic chick !


ive been to paris a fair bit for business but not for pleasure unfortunately - so this would be a great opportunity to take up - thanks ! Keep us informed with your progress - its also near enough for it to be cost effective for most and i'm sure Kev can work his magic with bulk travel/accom bookings smile.gif

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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Excellent! I'm totally serious about this, so i'll keep you posted! Once i get over there i can work out the best places to go etc.


Like you say, it's only over the water so it would be cheap and easy to get there. It would be great for me too seeing as i wont get to do much clubbing while i'm there.


Literally...let's Club the world! grin.gif

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Nice one - if you can help us all out long term then you can be our representative for over there smile.gif We have tried to allocate 'reps' before but failed due to people being 5 minute wonders and moving onto other stuff/sites - but i'm REALLY keen to build up good contacts for clubs abroad who can offer advice as to travel/accomodation etc.. as well as possibly taking photos in clubs etc.. The aim one day is to have a wealth of information about events/clubs worldwide (long long term goal)

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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CreamyC said:

Daredevil_Tony said:


Kids piss me right off!!!!!


I bet you was a right little bastard.


I was well behaved as a child acually!

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There still hasn't been an official meet-up in Wales, it would be nice to see one next year. I am up for keeping my eyes peeled, and letting everyone know.

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eek!! Neet's been on here a YEAR now Kev and we've still not sorted out a meetup in Wales ! Also, Ikon - another long long termer !

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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neet said:

There still hasn't been an official meet-up in Wales, it would be nice to see one next year. I am up for keeping my eyes peeled, and letting everyone know.


Neet, you naughty person, I PM'd you aaaaaages ago for a potential meet in Wales and you said you were to get back to me. You never did. frown.gif

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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I know you did hun, I did put up a couple of nights, but never got any response. I have to know what kind of night is going to be best for the biggest turnout. Tend to keep my eye on most things hardhouse, trance, dnb and a bit of techno as well as the big events we get occasionally.


My other excuse is I have been rather busy this year, as you know, and am still quite busy as we are trying to sell our flat and buy a house. However, the lack of money which has been a problem in the past is not anymore and so that leaves a lot more dates open.


WIll post up nights as soon as I know about them, unfortunately there is often only a months notice or less on certain nights down here.


I'm not really a bad person frown.gif

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It DOESN'T have to be a clubbing one, it can be a general meet-up, piss-up, whatever, this is what we will be introducing from now on. Member meet-ups regardless of the type of events so dont worry about trying to get the best club or night. thumbs.gif

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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neet said:

There still hasn't been an official meet-up in Wales, it would be nice to see one next year. I am up for keeping my eyes peeled, and letting everyone know.


i agree.


Am currently trying to do a tidy board meet up in cardiff and no1 gets back to me about it except about 3 or 4 peeps.

I was going to post a gag about flagellation, necrophilia and bestiality but it's just flogging a dead horse.

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