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WTF...has happened..

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Sophie said:

i get pissed of with people jumping in on my posts! bumshake.gif


Thats the open forum nature of the site, its ok when someone has something good to add to a post really!

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how abuot...


James said:

people just jump on my posts



yeah.....that...WHY are people going to bother posting ANYTHING if they think some board member is just gonna snap at tham accusing them of wasting the worlds time, by posting something which isn't critical to life, the universe, and everything.













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nursenancy said:

Sophie said:

i havent read the whole of the post but from my experiance theonly reasons why i dont come on here any nore is because


firstly i dont have net access secondly i dont have time and thirdly i get pissed of with people jumping in on my posts! bumshake.gif


a,,, u should pay ur bills then

b,,,,,wat u doing on here now then if u dont cum on any more for that reason



i dont know,,,,sum fuckin ppl


and you have just proved how rude and childish some ppl are on here by posting that crap.

just post "you fat cunt" or "you wanker" about 10 times a day and you'll fit in really well.



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Sophie said:

i get pissed of with people jumping in on my posts!


there is an answer to this.


you have met many ppl on the board in real life and said hello to them, and know what they are like


even if you haven't, next point still stands.


post what ever you want to post, and quite frankly who gives a rodents gashed backside what the [censored] anyone else thinks about your posts.


You'll still be welcome with a smile (and a gurn) the next time you come to a meetup. i hope.

Edited by Phil_r
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some people cant help but be abusive, obnoxiuos (sp?), rude and offensive. sometimes its best just to ignore them, they go away eventually.


thankfully not everyone on here is the same rolleyes.gif

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  • CTW DJs
James said:

people just jump on my posts


while i do understand where people are coming from with this...just by walking away from the site you are doing nothing to help resolve this problem. at the end of the day its very easy to ignore what people post, people jump on others posts to get reactions because thats what they do, if people didn't bite back to these people then sooner or later they will find somewhere else to go where people give them the attention they crave wink.gif


it's on a computer...why get pissed off a bit of writing???? shrug.gif

www.djphilbenson.co.uk - updated 28/08/04

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as most of you know, i went through a stage of "biting" it didnt get me anywhere, if you dont like a persons comment iv learnt just to ignore it or just add a shrug.gif or a rolleyes.gif as a reply, that way they cant comment on it.



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Phil_B said:

Dawn said:


Sophie said:

i get pissed of with people jumping in on my posts! bumshake.gif



Think i'll try this ... see what all the fuss is about smile.gif


getting pissed off or jumping on peoples posts? laugh.gif


Bit of both I think ... don't really do either tongue.gif


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The title of this post has been asked many times. Its not something I like to hear at all as most of you will know but it has been recognised in certain other posts, ie, the 'Negative Member Feedback' posts. There are therefore changes being made to the site, MORE member orientated events, MORE meet-ups and MORE information about exactly what this board has all about. It has been argued that people come and go and its going to happen because of different interests, I agree to an extent but when former members leave with comments stating they're not liking it anymore then we do have to find out why, we have to try and please those members that leave and try getting them back as well as trying to keep those current ones. Its a hard situation but we're trying to sort out as many problems as possible with the site and its content and also members issues, we cannot afford to ignore negative comments which is why there are changes, some of you may be noticing this. For others you'll see the changes in January.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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  • CTW DJs
James said:

people just jump on my posts

Yeah it can get annoying when people do that!

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