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the music forum, just an idea!!

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  • CTW Promotors

Was just thinking, head hurts now tho!! nut.gif. Was wondering if it would be possible in the music forum to have a music genre section, so to speak, ie a D&B forum, R&B, Funky etc, so peeps who are into those genres can post & disscuss etc without other's posting saying *oh it's [censored]* etc!! What do you think??

Techno, Techno, Techno

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well even we can just have say, D&B, R&B & funky, then peeps who like this can chat away without getting abuse & then they can in turn respect us who are into HH/trance etc as all the others are very similar & most peeps into HH like most of the other faster Genre's!!! shrug.gifthumbs.gif

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  • CTW DJs

Like I have said so many times before, these problems wouldn't arise if people were more respectful of others' taste in music.


Some people don't seem to be capable of understanding that their preferred choice of music is no better than any other genre. They are not able to appreciate that music taste is opinion based, not fact.


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Only problem I can see arising would be the fact that there isnt really enough people to make regular posts about non hard house/trance etc.

Therefore these "new sub-forums" would look empty and unused, which imo, looks worse.

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  • CTW Promotors

I think its a very good idea overall. The only problem with this however is the fact - as someone pointed out - that there are so many different music genres and if this was implemented the whole forum would be massive. Not only that but certain genres would get missed out and that in turn would cause more arguing. I feel that at the moment whilst the main site is awaiting the new individual genre pages ALL music genres should stay in one forum. I agree, it is wrong for people to slag off others tastes in music but that needs to be moderated efficiently so these arguments dont arise.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
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  • CTW DJs
miss_diddy said:

Was just thinking, head hurts now tho!! nut.gif. Was wondering if it would be possible in the music forum to have a music genre section, so to speak, ie a D&B forum, R&B, Funky etc, so peeps who are into those genres can post & disscuss etc without other's posting saying *oh it's [censored]* etc!! What do you think??


i think this isnt a good idea as it will only lead to further segrigation of music genres when its been said by the majorety on here that they dont like labeling as it is.


i think with the few posts that are made as it is its fine at the mo. and as 4 the few that post the mindless "x is [censored]" posts, thats the mods jobs to delete and our jobs to report em to the mods thumbs.gif

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

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  • CTW DJs
LiamStyles said:

Daredevil_Tony said:

How about the Football Forum anyone?


[censored] RIGHT OFF!


Football is shite


agreed notworthy.gif

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
Online mixes - http://www.mangafish.net/mixes/

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