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the music forum, just an idea!!

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  • CTW DJs
Evilhedfuk said:

We could always just do what we do in the events forum and put the genre in square brackets at the front of the posts title.




[HH] Paul Glazby - [censored] Hostile...

[D&B] Tune ID Needed!!!

[Trance] Paul Van Dyk; God or Not???

[Funky House] When The Sun Goes Down



etc etc...


Thus making it easier for me to avoid the 100's of posts about HH tunes!!! wink.gif


it would be much easyer if people actually put a description of a tune they were posting about rather than just "i'm loving it" or "TUUUUUUUUUNE" rolleyes.gif

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
Online mixes - http://www.mangafish.net/mixes/

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yppaH_rM said:


it would be much easyer if people actually put a description of a tune they were posting about rather than just "i'm loving it" or "TUUUUUUUUUNE" rolleyes.gif


Laurence I know what you are saying etc, but not everyone would be able to break a tune down, if you get my drift, ie some know what a hoover sound is, but a few actually do not thumbs.gif.



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LittleMissLoud said:

Good idea Ed, but then you will get people saying 'you can't pigeonhole my music into blah blah genre'.


Although maybe that is a bit negative. We could give it a try?


thumbs.gif Anything is worth tryimg IMO, if it fails then so be it, but atleast it was given a shot!! I guess at the end of the day we will always get peeps that will straight off reply *oh thats shite* etc!! Maybe in the music forums if any of us notice it happening we should just constantly quote *in your opinion yes* spliff.gif

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  • CTW DJs
miss_diddy said:

yppaH_rM said:


it would be much easyer if people actually put a description of a tune they were posting about rather than just "i'm loving it" or "TUUUUUUUUUNE" rolleyes.gif


Laurence I know what you are saying etc, but not everyone would be able to break a tune down, if you get my drift, ie some know what a hoover sound is, but a few actually do not thumbs.gif.



thats rubbish. any1 that likes a tune can at least say "its trancy" or "it has a strong beet to it" or "it has vocals and is quite up tempo"


i'm dislexic and dont boast to know much about production or genres yet i manage to descibe tunes easy enuf

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
Online mixes - http://www.mangafish.net/mixes/

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yppaH_rM said:

miss_diddy said:

yppaH_rM said:


it would be much easyer if people actually put a description of a tune they were posting about rather than just "i'm loving it" or "TUUUUUUUUUNE" rolleyes.gif


Laurence I know what you are saying etc, but not everyone would be able to break a tune down, if you get my drift, ie some know what a hoover sound is, but a few actually do not thumbs.gif.





thats rubbish. any1 that likes a tune can at least say "its trancy" or "it has a strong beet to it" or "it has vocals and is quite up tempo"


i'm dislexic and dont boast to know much about production or genres yet i manage to descibe tunes easy enuf


No it is not rubbish................ as I say I myself could not properly break a tune down, from a hoover sound to a fooking zebra noise!!! So poke your rubbish up your backside thumbs.gif I could tell you it was hard or trancey, or bouncy but thats as far as i can go with it mate!! Possibly cos you mix you hear the different sound's etc compared to me!! shrug.gif

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  • CTW DJs

Plus, people have different ideas as to which category something would fit in.


I.e - I would only class the Lisa Pin-Up/ Old Rachel Auburn/ Old Ingo kind of style hard house as bouncy, the stuff with that 'boing boing' bassline, where as some people describe a lot of stuff as bouncy that I would say was definately not! Maria thought that the set me and Phil played at Wildchild was bouncy, but I would say it was anything but!


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  • CTW Moderators
LittleMissLoud said:

Maria thought that the set me and Phil played at Wildchild was bouncy, but I would say it was anything but!


Not the whle set I didn't you fool. DON'T YOU LISTEN mad.gifwink.gif


One or two tunes were kinda bouncey. A few of the Members on the night thought they were too.



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LittleMissLoud said:

Plus, people have different ideas as to which category something would fit in.


I.e - I would only class the Lisa Pin-Up/ Old Rachel Auburn/ Old Ingo kind of style hard house as bouncy, the stuff with that 'boing boing' bassline, where as some people describe a lot of stuff as bouncy that I would say was definately not! Maria thought that the set me and Phil played at Wildchild was bouncy, but I would say it was anything but!



notworthy.gifthumbs.gif Exactly Ali smile.gif

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  • CTW DJs
miss_diddy said:

LittleMissLoud said:

Plus, people have different ideas as to which category something would fit in.


I.e - I would only class the Lisa Pin-Up/ Old Rachel Auburn/ Old Ingo kind of style hard house as bouncy, the stuff with that 'boing boing' bassline, where as some people describe a lot of stuff as bouncy that I would say was definately not! Maria thought that the set me and Phil played at Wildchild was bouncy, but I would say it was anything but!



notworthy.gifthumbs.gif Exactly Ali smile.gif


but then the same could be said for labeling genres.

x could say a tune was trance

y would say it was prog

and z would say it was too housy to be either


music is all about interpretation.

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
Online mixes - http://www.mangafish.net/mixes/

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