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A Sailor is sitting at a bar one night and is chatting up

a beautiful blonde.


After some drinks, she starts to cry.

She tells him the sad story of how she is Irish and terribly homesick, but can't afford to buy a ticket to go home.



The sailor tells her his profession and makes a deal with her.


"I'll hide you away on my ship on one condition.

You have to have sex with me when I ask."


She hugs him, crys and agrees.


So late that night they sneak on to his ship and he hides her in a big life boat with a canvas cover.


He tells her he'll bring her food and water and she'll just have to stay hidden because she'll be in big trouble if she's caught.


So for the next three weeks he brings her rations every day and sleeps with her every night.


Finally, one day the captain is strolling on deck, sees something suspicious and lifts the cover discovering the girl.


He yells, "STOWAWAY!"


Scared she explains: "Dont be mad at me sir. One of your sailors stowed me away to take me home to Ireland, and is having sex with me for payment!"


"No kidding? Lady... this is the Mersey Ferry!"

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