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Bring back anon

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  • CTW DJs
Phil_r said:

Capn_Jack said:

Then it'll go back to the same old problem, Creamy posting anon making it difficult to tell who's got a real problem and who is joking. Plus anyone can start a personal attack hidden by anonimity.


There is always... The Samaritans - Confidential emotional support 24 hours a day.


yeh well to be honest if he wants to be a **** and post "wind up [censored]" in a Serious forum", that shouldn't be felt by everyone else by the fact they can't post anon.


would creamy's time not be better spent "removing in appropriate" anon posts, than posting up his own anon [censored]?




and yes, but I'm sure i can think of lots, and lots of good reasons why being able to post on here anon, rather than just talk to the samaritans, is a good thing.


In all fairness Phil, Creamy's posts are very obvious, and you have got to be thick if you were to confuse them with the real thing.


And it is not because of him that the anonymous feature was revoked - it was because people were threatening other members and generally [censored]-stirring, and useing the anonymous feature to hide behind, so they would not be caught out.


Those are the people you have to blame for not being able to post anonymously.


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LittleMissLoud said:




In all fairness Phil, Creamy's posts are very obvious, and you have got to be thick if you were to confuse them with the real thing.


And it is not because of him that the anonymous feature was revoked - it was because people were threatening other members and generally [censored]-stirring, and useing the anonymous feature to hide behind, so they would not be caught out.


Those are the people you have to blame for not being able to post anonymously.



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LittleMissLoud said:




In all fairness Phil, Creamy's posts are very obvious, and you have got to be thick if you were to confuse them with the real thing.


And it is not because of him that the anonymous feature was revoked - it was because people were threatening other members and generally [censored]-stirring, and useing the anonymous feature to hide behind, so they would not be caught out.


Those are the people you have to blame for not being able to post anonymously.



Like I said some great comedy value there ... but on a serious note ... why should a few people who act like they're back in the play ground, ruin somthing that could and was a very good feature for others.


I think the moderation on here is far far better than before, so would hopefully stop things getting out of hand in a malicious way.


It is only a Comment & Suggestion!





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To be honest the Anon feature was a good feature to have for those that wanted to take the piss, ie, my good self and for those that really did have a serious issue. However, as most of you are aware it was then prone to abuse, anons were slagging off other members over personal issues, this was not on and it was getting out of hand so it had to be taken off. it may be brought backing providing the moderating is checked on a regular basis.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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i wasnt a member when the anon feature was available and havent been arsed to read any of these posts but i know that it wud just be wrong to have it as it wud be abused.


Its like turning off own number sending on ur mobile to prank call some1. U can really upset some1 from doing it.

I was going to post a gag about flagellation, necrophilia and bestiality but it's just flogging a dead horse.

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benrostwood said:

i wasnt a member when the anon feature was available and havent been arsed to read any of these posts but i know that it wud just be wrong to have it as it wud be abused.


Its like turning off own number sending on ur mobile to prank call some1. U can really upset some1 from doing it.


So don't do it then.


Perhaps you should go read some of the serious non abuse problems then before you comment eh!


Not every one likes to air their dirty washing in public.


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Dawn said:

benrostwood said:

i wasnt a member when the anon feature was available and havent been arsed to read any of these posts but i know that it wud just be wrong to have it as it wud be abused.


Its like turning off own number sending on ur mobile to prank call some1. U can really upset some1 from doing it.


So don't do it then.


Perhaps you should go read some of the serious non abuse problems then before you comment eh!


Not every one likes to air their dirty washing in public.


my post can mean either: i was the prank caller, i received the prank call or that i know some1 who has been one of the other 2 and told me about it.


All im saying is that its wrong

I was going to post a gag about flagellation, necrophilia and bestiality but it's just flogging a dead horse.

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What Dawn is saying is that there is a legitimate use for anon posting. It's just difficult to police.

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how about a feature where posting anonymous is not possible unless you pm james (or a mod) so he can then temporarily set it up for you to make ur post? that way he can keep track of whos making the anonymous posts and ban anyone abusing them?

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  • CTW Admin

Anon feature was abused to the point we really could be arsed with it anymore.


Anon feature caused much of the [censored] which we're still cleaning up today believe it or not.


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jon_m said:

how about a feature where posting anonymous is not possible unless you pm james (or a mod) so he can then temporarily set it up for you to make ur post? that way he can keep track of whos making the anonymous posts and ban anyone abusing them?


laugh.gif might aswell post it in random laugh.gif


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