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[ Poll ] - Which logo do you prefer ?

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Daredevil_Tony said:

That new one you have just created looks crap and very 90's!


You absolute cunt, that 'new' one is the old one we had ages ago. Go back to bed, the weekend was obviously too much for you.

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luu_luu said:

Crill said:

This one...




i like that too, but from the choice up top....its the new one thumbs.gif



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Daredevil_Tony said:

I cant ever remembered the old one!



That's cos u weren't a member then!!!

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Evilhedfuk said:

Daredevil_Tony said:

I cant ever remembered the old one!



That's cos u weren't a member then!!!




Tell that Creamy twat that!!

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I like the white one. I like how it has the little swirly thing on the right hand side suggesting travel round the world.


i dont like the blue one at all.

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  • CTW Admin

Agreed with Ed & Cherry (which is why we created the new one lol)

CTW AdminClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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  • CTW Admin


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  • CTW Admin

I didnt want a poll but I thought everyone else did - personally I think most (if they would/could vote) would agree the newer one is much better


actually - the newer logo is currently winning on votes

CTW AdminClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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