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over-use of the word 'c*nt'

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LittleMissLoud said:

I know this will piss some people off, but I use the word as it is part of everyday language in the area I have grown up in, and round here it is not really a term of disgust.


Agreed, It was commonly used all the time in Primary school!


LittleMissLoud said:

However, I am aware that some people find it very offensive.


I certainly dont!


LittleMissLoud said:

Maybe mods should set an example, or maybe it should be sensored, but then again, you can't sensor people saying it in real life, and in a sense, these boards are just an electronic form of talking to others.





STICKS AND STONES MAY BRAKE MY BONES.......you all know the rest! smile.gif



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cheeky_chick said:

censoring it might not be the answer but maybe deleting a post which says nout but "you cunt" or "your a cunt" might get the message across to the ppl who constantly have to post the word which is NOT big,clever or funny but just very boring. also the mods (the ones who use the word)needs to refrain from doing so to set an example,after all their the ones who dont like it when ppl dont respect them when they do their job.

to be honest i couldnt be bothered to read through the posts one day last week cause the word had been used so much.

and for the record its only a problem on this forum,its not a word ppl seem to insist on useing anywhere else.




I find that comment offensive. The word has been used since as far back as I can remember, now no offence to those few people who dont like the word but if a newbie joined and said the word "cunt" in their first post what would the reply get? "Oh this is ClubTheWorld dont you know and if you continue to use the word one will have to give you a warning". Quite simply, thats a no way as far as I'm concerned and if anyone honestly feels that no other message board uses this word then I ask you to look alot harder.


Of course we'd all much prefer to read how certain individuals went under and how much drugs they did thinking its some kind of competition and moaning about what they did the week after. Of course thats alot worse than reading a word like "cunt" isn't it. Yeah right.

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James said:



Agreed - its used so much its actually lost its meaning and is more boring than people trying to be 'random'



Bollocks James, you say it more than anyone.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
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If you wanted to stop that word from the board, the mods would have to constantly monitor all the active posts coming in all the time, nearly 24/7!

This would be very tedious for the poor bastards who are doing this for the benifit of everyone on the board.

Let them contiune the good jobs that they are doing on here and if be, let them sort out the far more serious comments made!

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just ignore the word if you have a problem with it shrug.gif


it will only offend you if you let it offend you, and if its not aimed at you then there shouldnt really be any problem at all frown.gif

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CreamyC said:

Quick fire question, if so many people find this word offensive SO MUCH then how come 31 people have voted in Cunt Idol ?


No one will come forward and give there names here!

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luu_luu said:

just ignore the word if you have a problem with it shrug.gif


it will only offend you if you let it offend you, and if its not aimed at you then there shouldnt really be any problem at all frown.gif



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I hate over-use of the word. I do occasionally use it. But I don't agree with censoring it, somehow that seems a bit childish.


People who over-use it end up looking a bit silly anyway. shrug.gif

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