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nuthead53 said:

Well you asked me to come on. So here i am.

Im hopeing that i didnt make to much of a tit out of myself on saturday, as im already embarised enough from the phone calls i made.


Neway incase you dont know who i am, Im screams younger/sexier brother. yay.gif


dont we have enuf of screams family on here already rolleyes.gif






hiya wavey.gif

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
Online mixes - http://www.mangafish.net/mixes/

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yppaH_rM said:

nuthead53 said:

Well you asked me to come on. So here i am.

Im hopeing that i didnt make to much of a tit out of myself on saturday, as im already embarised enough from the phone calls i made.


Neway incase you dont know who i am, Im screams younger/sexier brother. yay.gif


dont we have enuf of screams family on here already rolleyes.gif






hiya wavey.gif


lol mayb there trying to take over the site

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nuthead53 said:

so who are the people i actually met on saterday?


Hiya tom and welcome! smile.gif


people you met would be:


Shenlong = me aka gordy


Pepsi = jenny


Mr Moo = drew


p.s. sure it wasn't the spectacle you ahd to witness on the train on the way home that made you sick? wink.gif

~fighting for peace is like f***ing for virginity...
msn: maladjustedfreak@hotmail.com

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nuthead53 said:

Well you asked me to come on. So here i am.

Im hopeing that i didnt make to much of a tit out of myself on saturday, as im already embarised enough from the phone calls i made.


Neway incase you dont know who i am, Im screams younger/sexier brother. yay.gif


Hiya m8.


Just for everyone SexyNic fell asleep in this pub/cafe thing we was at, and Scream tried to wake her up by firstly putting an ice cube on her ring, then secondly by tryin to finger her ring. Then slapped her ass to death..... im so glad im not his bird.


Scream tried to shag me to death and whispered in my ear


"god knows what my brother thinks"



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swit swooooooooo


if you look like my sexy scream im happy!!!


have a good time on ctw



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Hes better lookin that Scream wink.gif


Oh, i forgot to say Scream....


How are your balls m8? laugh.gif

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  • CTW Admin

welcome matey - did I meet you last sat ?

CTW AdminClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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Shenlong said:

Mr_Moo said:

Hes better lookin that Scream wink.gif


Oh, i forgot to say Scream....


How are your balls m8? laugh.gif


taht was [censored] hysterical, we all nearly wet ourselves laughing at that! laugh.gifbigsmile.gif


me and nic got a picture of him bent over moaning on our phones notworthy.gif


and james, no i dont think i met you. think.gif

Edited by nuthead53
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Shenlong said:

taht was [censored] hysterical, we all nearly wet ourselves laughing at that! laugh.gifbigsmile.gif


He deserved it.

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nuthead53 said:

Well you asked me to come on. So here i am.

Im hopeing that i didnt make to much of a tit out of myself on saturday, as im already embarised enough from the phone calls i made.


Neway incase you dont know who i am, Im screams younger/sexier brother. yay.gif


A few questions mate:


1. Is Scream really that gay?


2. What do you think of his 'girly laugh' ?


3. When 'that incident' happened, how did it make you feel ?


PM me if you feel embarrassed about answering these questions. thumbs.gif

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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  • CTW Admin
CreamyC said:

nuthead53 said:

Well you asked me to come on. So here i am.

Im hopeing that i didnt make to much of a tit out of myself on saturday, as im already embarised enough from the phone calls i made.


Neway incase you dont know who i am, Im screams younger/sexier brother. yay.gif


A few questions mate:


1. Is Scream really that gay?


2. What do you think of his 'girly laugh' ?


3. When 'that incident' happened, how did it make you feel ?


PM me if you feel embarrassed about answering these questions. thumbs.gif






welcome on m8 how r u not seen u 4 a while

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