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Met a load of peeps at dusted from the Serious Board..they are all cool. We need peeps like this on the board..However if we behave like we normally behave they won't stay long...please see my post here

Being rude to new MembersI think it's Big and CleverI think its Stupid Rude and ChildishI am a new member so i don't feel qualified to vote

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iv already stated my oppinion on this in another post but basically got told to "shut up, because iv only been on here 6 months myself"..........(in so many words) bigsmile.gif


but i will vote thumbs.gif

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luu_luu said:

iv already stated my oppinion on this in another post but basically got told to "shut up, because iv only been on here 6 months myself"..........(in so many words) bigsmile.gif


but i will vote thumbs.gif



Not acceptable behaviour hun..Everyone new or old has a right to voice their opnion with being frightend of being shouted down, told to shut up, or being belittled by louts who never learnt any manners.



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  • CTW DJs
Big_ee69 said:


Met a load of peeps at dusted from the Serious Board..they are all cool. We need peeps like this on the board..However if we behave like we normally behave they won't stay long...please see my post here


Being rude to new Members

I think it's Big and Clever

I think its Stupid Rude and Childish

I am a new member so i don't feel qualified to vote


see my thread about the over-use of the 'c' word thumbs.gif (this forum)

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

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luu_luu said:

iv already stated my oppinion on this in another post but basically got told to "shut up, because iv only been on here 6 months myself"..........(in so many words) bigsmile.gif


but i will vote thumbs.gif



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all very well and good ian, however if they spout half as much unneccesary information as yourself, it may make people switch of in droves.

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You've missed the option for 'I don't take [censored] from anyone, new or old'.

Fred The Baddie
Email: FredTheBaddie at ClubTheWorld dot com
MSN: Fox_Raynard at hotmail dot com
I am not part of any majority
-- Now in my MP3 player : Agnelli & Nelson - Holding on to Nothing --

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Whether or not I'm rude to people has nothing to do with whether they're new or not.


However I reserve the right to be rude to:

* stupid/ignorant people;

* people who brag or namedrop;

* people who are tactless or rude without good cause.


Thank you.

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I voted for "I think its Stupid Rude and Childish"


I think certain banter should only be allowed in certain 'random' forums personally (i.e. out of Welcome Newbies, Events Sections, Music Sections, Serious Issues and only allowed in forums like General Discussion, FYI, Jokes..)

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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yppaH_rM said:

i dont think the point was as much directed at the banter, but more the colourful language we use in our banter shrug.gif


sorry Mr Happy - I meant banter in terms of the certain words we keep using.

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liquideyes said:

Whether or not I'm rude to people has nothing to do with whether they're new or not.


However I reserve the right to be rude to:

* stupid/ignorant people;

* people who brag or namedrop;

* people who are tactless or rude without good cause.


Thank you.




Not sure it's ever necessary to be rude...Look at Lennox Lewis...I am sure he is never rude.. I think he finds politness, and a vicious right hook do just as well.






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Jay said:


all very well and good ian, however if they spout half as much unneccesary information as yourself, it may make people switch of in droves.




You posted inaccurate and misleading information..ie "The Camden Palace is closing down"


The ultimate source for this rumour was a press release and a half yearly report. Then the only way that peeps are going to be able to make up their own minds is if they have access to that information. Which in my opinion makes it necessary.


It is a great deal more likely that insulting someone directly, or intimidating them by being cliquey, or absuing them, or being brutally honest will make people switch off in far larger droves, than a couple of long but necessary posts. None of which I do..but most of which you do.










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intimidating them


on a message board... then they are pussy's and weak people.


being cliquey


its not a crime to speak to people or be nicer to people you like. im gonna be nicer or "cliquey" (the loners term) to people such as Tara for instance as she is a mate, you for example are not so why would i talk to you both the same??


being brutally honest will make people switch off in far larger droves


if people cannot handle the truth then that is their problem.


You posted inaccurate and misleading information..ie "The Camden Palace is closing down"


Hmmmm you looked public info up on the net.


i asked the [censored] manager, who do you reckon is more in a position to know??









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