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I just wanted to share that for christmas I bought me a new cell phone a Nokia 3600....finally we are commin out of the dark ages with this... nut.gif

**Nunc scio quit sit amor."Lat. "Now I know what love is"**

msn- maa_97@hotmail.com

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I have picked up some of your sayin's and I use them ... my friends laugh say I spend too much time on the phone..lol...I couldn't think of the word mobile or I would have used that one... nut.gif

**Nunc scio quit sit amor."Lat. "Now I know what love is"**

msn- maa_97@hotmail.com

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Well you'd prob get a real laugh outta me and my 'southern accent' I get it here already but seems most ppl that live up north or in other countries seem to like it...sayin it's so cute...makes me pout and not want to talk sometimes... rolleyes.gif but then again it can be fun to have ppl say those things I guess

**Nunc scio quit sit amor."Lat. "Now I know what love is"**

msn- maa_97@hotmail.com

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hehe i hate it wen i visit u get shuch funny looks wen u order summet or go to the shop they have sum strange obsession wiv the english wer my nan lives disappointed.gif

Iv Come Here Today To Chew Bubblegum And
Kick Ass And Im All Outta Bubblegum :wink:

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laugh.gif I'm sorry but I know exactually what you mean. When Shen and I met in NYC we went to a store to order some food and he asked for a banna smoothie..the guy asked him 3 times what he said. He got me too though cos I said I didn't want any tomatoes..he thought I said something else had to remind him again... but I think it would be the same if I came over and started talkin..Half the ppl wouldn't understand me...and vice versa..Talked to a few ppl off the board so many different accents wink.gif But I love em..

**Nunc scio quit sit amor."Lat. "Now I know what love is"**

msn- maa_97@hotmail.com

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lol its funy as [censored] i work in a chip shop an we get loads of ppl from difrent areas asking 4 stuff and ill have to ask em 4 times cos wer the only city that hase chip butties and pattie butties and loads of people call bread cakes barns and [censored] like that shrug.gif but its sooo funny

Iv Come Here Today To Chew Bubblegum And
Kick Ass And Im All Outta Bubblegum :wink:

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I think your chips are fries here and then what we call chips are the thinly sliced potatoes...baked mostly... I dunno what you would call them. Also our biscuts(sp) are not what you call them..We call those cakes..lol.. It is funny I'll just hafta watch what I ask for there... yes.gif

**Nunc scio quit sit amor."Lat. "Now I know what love is"**

msn- maa_97@hotmail.com

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I know there are more... just can't think too clearly atm... Oh but my fav sayin I've picked up is 'How Rude' laugh.gif I say it all the time... Used to say thats just wrong quiet a bit...It's not a common phrase here in my state anyways

**Nunc scio quit sit amor."Lat. "Now I know what love is"**

msn- maa_97@hotmail.com

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