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Serious & WiLDCHiLD (17th January & 6th February 2004)


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Shenlong said:

Ed's just saying they stopped letting in as much people cos the amount of people they did let in got ridiculous cos of the overcrowding inside.


I thought it was obvious what was being said rolleyes.gif

**Nunc scio quit sit amor."Lat. "Now I know what love is"**

msn- maa_97@hotmail.com

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Basically, for all you non-Cross goers, the Cross is a really beautiful club set under about 7 low brick arches, when it gets crowded you fell it more because of the low ceilings. One month in the summer it got so rammed you couldn't find a space anywhere inside and even the 2 gardens were heaving, it was just overly uncomfortable and thus effectively un-enjoyable. They must have received complaints as the month after and since it has been alot better. thumbs.gif

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Evilhedfuk said:

Basically, for all you non-Cross goers, the Cross is a really beautiful club set under about 7 low brick arches, when it gets crowded you fell it more because of the low ceilings. One month in the summer it got so rammed you couldn't find a space anywhere inside and even the 2 gardens were heaving, it was just overly uncomfortable and thus effectively un-enjoyable. They must have received complaints as the month after and since it has been alot better. thumbs.gif


Yes Ed, I remember that night too. It was a little silly.


Alex V thumbs.gif

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Will do.


Looking forward to both nights already (weekend off this one for family stuff).


I can heartily recommend 'Touching the Void' at the cinema- great docu drama about a true horrendous climbing accident.


Good day to all.


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anna18 said:

There's just too many [censored] kids running around.


laugh.gif Oh the irony !


For the record, I would be going to Serious, but I'm having an operation two days before, so that's kinda out. Won't be going to Wildchild, haven't enjoyed any of the previous ones, so I won't be wasting my time.

Fred The Baddie
Email: FredTheBaddie at ClubTheWorld dot com
MSN: Fox_Raynard at hotmail dot com
I am not part of any majority
-- Now in my MP3 player : Agnelli & Nelson - Holding on to Nothing --

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Age is a state of mind. You above all should know that!


Hope the op isn't too serious though. Is it the second part of your labotomy? laugh.gif

Walks quietly but carries a big Fin.


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Don said:

Age is a state of mind. You above all should know that!


indeed it is but i like being a pedant at times :P


Don said:

Hope the op isn't too serious though. Is it the second part of your labotomy? laugh.gif



~fighting for peace is like f***ing for virginity...
msn: maladjustedfreak@hotmail.com

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  • ClubTheWorld changed the title to Serious & WiLDCHiLD (17th January & 6th February 2004)

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