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No, its not another "whats your phobia" post rolleyes.gif


iv been doing a google search trying to sort out a really strange phobia that i have, but cant seem to find any that deal with anything but the usual, spiders, going out, water type stuff.


if anyone knows of any site/self help site that i can actually put my phobia into and then it tells me about it, could you please let me know cus its all getting a bit wierd now.


(BTW, before someone says go to the doctors, iv been to 4 different doctors in the past 20 years about it and they think im mad nut.gif)


seen this though that tickled me wink.gif



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  • CTW Members

So what phobia do you have...?


I have one phobia but it's quite a common one (and I'm not saying what it is smile.gif)

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i think its a phobia, 2 doctors said it wasnt but thats why i need more info undecided.gif


if i see someone on telly under water or drowning, i hold my breath for as long as there underwater, i try my hardest not to do it, but cant stop, iv tried turning away from the telly but it still happens. it just seems like a natural reaction (as if im underwater to).


in a few extreme cases (including once in a cinema) iv passed out......may seem really silly to you but i need to get it sorted now.



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I'm not sure that's a "phobia" per se. My phobia makes my hairs stand on end, adrenaline pumps round my body and my heart races, i.e. normal "fear" / "fight or flight" reactions.


In a way it's a natural empathic reaction to respond to someone else's condition. E.g. blokes often instinctively protect their genitals when they see someone get kicked in the 'nads on telly! (it's an uncontrollable reflex)


Obviously your reaction is rather severe - I'm inclined to think you just have a strong phobia of drowning...?

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i have a few horrible phobias (to me anyway)..i am terrified of daddy long legs...clowns..spiders and wait....balloons!!! paranoid.gif


very odd...

If i should die this very moment,
I wouldn't fear,
For i have known completeness like being here.
Wrapped in the warmth of you,
Loving every breath of you,
Still my heart this moment or it might burst,
Can we stay right here,
Untill the end of time,
Till the seas stop churning,
Wanna love you till the seas run dry.
Cos Ive found the one i am searching for...........the one.

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jelly fish and that pob thing on tv when i was kid....urghhh pob cry.gif

when it spat on the screen and wiped it...sreech,screech...ARGHHHHHHHH


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Elitechick said:

i have a few horrible phobias (to me anyway)..i am terrified of daddy long legs...clowns..spiders and wait....balloons!!! paranoid.gif

One of our cats used to be terrified of balloons!


kitty1 said:

that pob thing on tv when i was kid

scratchchin.gif Are you sure that's a real phobia...? I mean, I found some TV programs/characters quite disturbing, but that isn't the same as a phobia!


I also detest the sound of rubbing styrofoam, I'm scared of wasps, and I hate the idea of insects crawling on me, but those aren't phobias either! (they are all rational responses)

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serious reply - luu what happens if u close ur eyes? or if ur watching it on vid and 'pause' it, can u bring urself out of it? or drink some water then stop...or....something. shrug.gif

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