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1st day back at work

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  • CTW Admin

My first day back as well - not too bad, just not used to the commute - very tired now !

Do it all over again tomorrow :wiggle:

CTW AdminClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world, together ...

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  • CTW Moderators

10 hour shift today. I’m being lazy and on the bus.  
stock take, pay wages, put deliveries through nexus, check GP%, conference call, daily sales, bank weeks takings and all the shitty office stuff.  Wednesdays suck.   
plus no doubt a shit ton of emails to get through as it’s a new period (monthly books) 

roll on the end of feb when I get 10 days off  For the kids pantomime and chill between   


🎧20,000 Hardcore members,  I say the future is ours🎧


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  • CTW Moderators

Yeah I’m here. Got in to no fucking prep done, fridges empty, place a mess. I don’t know what the staff do when I’m not in.  So extra work for me.  That 10 hour shift is looking more like 11 hours now.  😞

🎧20,000 Hardcore members,  I say the future is ours🎧


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  • CTW Moderators
15 minutes ago, Maria said:

When the cat's away, the mice will play.

Them's the rules! 😉

Seems that way.  There in for shocks tomorrow though my boss is coming in and she doesn’t play nice.  

🎧20,000 Hardcore members,  I say the future is ours🎧


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  • CTW Admin

This week has been very long but not as bad as I thought !  It’s really helped remembering some of the past on here and hearing people’s stories & updates !

CTW AdminClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world, together ...

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