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Me and technology do not mix. 

so far I’ve had a nightmare uploading all my photos off my phone to my laptop 

I spent 10 hours uploading to drop box for the darn things not to open so had to pay for ICloud 

then When reading emails on my phone I always press select all then Read as my phone has problems updating emails so I have to retrieve them when I remember. Accept this time I selected junk and all my emails went to junk and all new ones are doing the same. 

so I am now sitting going through years worth of emails to ensure I don’t delete important stuff and deleting the rest.  

lesson learned from this? Back up pictures regular and delete unwanted emails regular because going through 90,000 emails is going to take some time.  🤦🏻‍♀️😂

stemmed from laziness.  

🎧20,000 Hardcore members,  I say the future is ours🎧


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