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Hiya CTW!! 

I was watching an old Tidy Weekender vid on FB, and saw a face I recognised at about 53s in. Several mins on Google and I found my old fav clubbing site and some familiar faces. 

So, this is Pablo saying hi and asking, is that Si in the video?? 


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Older, fatter, balder! But still alive and kicking. My trance pants have long gone the way of the charity shop, but I still get the occasionally club night (on the sofa....) listening to the odd livestream or remix. Thrillseekers Connected every few weekends keep the memories alive.

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Out?? What is this out that thou speaks of?? No out around here!


Yeah, I had a quick look and book marked the latest mix. You got a DJ name on SC?

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Miss Dani, 


How could I forget you!! Yes, I remember. It really is a blast from a different past seeing the old photos and faces here. What you doing these days? 

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Hey.  I’m working in a forecourt/ greggs for Moto motorway services in Rugby.  Finally passed my driving test in December (first time pass just never got round to learning) so whizzing around in my new fiesta Eco boost and loving the freedom 😂 not that ive been able to go far due to Covid 🙄

my 3 sons are all grown up, 1 lives with his gf the other 2 at home still though my youngest is about to finish college and looking at joining the army (he’s a performing arts student so a huge career change) and my daughter who I had after I knew all of you from back then is 13 now and has Autism but she is my mini me in every way.  Looks and personality. Not sure that’s a good thing 😂 

life’s pretty good in most ways job, kids, etc   

I've completely changed I’m a lot calmer and chilled to what I was    I blame the drugs 😂


hope your well and life’s treating you good? 



🎧20,000 Hardcore members,  I say the future is ours🎧


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Ha! Sounds like life is pretty much "normal", whatever that is. 

I'm good. Settled down with a clubbing lass a while back. You guys might have met her, she was at the Tidy when Sarah passed away. I think that was my last Tidy as well. 

So yeah, more grown up now. I just got old I think, can't take the booze and whatnot like I could. So I'm sofa clubber these days!! Better to adapt than quit. 


I've got a couple of friends my age who still make the clubs 2 twice a year, pre covid. And one had a hip replacement, but not stopped him!! 

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On 5/19/2021 at 7:54 PM, Clubbing Si said:

Long as u don’t blame me @Dani Babyboo 😅

Nah never you was part of the good days back then.   
No regrets in that aspect 

I miss those days for the people I knew and loved.   

we need Covid to piss off and get this reunion sorted ASAP 😂😘


On 5/20/2021 at 9:28 PM, pablo said:

Ha! Sounds like life is pretty much "normal", whatever that is. 

I'm good. Settled down with a clubbing lass a while back. You guys might have met her, she was at the Tidy when Sarah passed away. I think that was my last Tidy as well. 

So yeah, more grown up now. I just got old I think, can't take the booze and whatnot like I could. So I'm sofa clubber these days!! Better to adapt than quit. 


I've got a couple of friends my age who still make the clubs 2 twice a year, pre covid. And one had a hip replacement, but not stopped him!! 

I think we have all grown up but probably miss the people somewhat too. they were good times.  :dancingbanana:

🎧20,000 Hardcore members,  I say the future is ours🎧


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