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Has anyone got my disposable camera? Its got a crappy yellow cardboard casing (cant remember the make) with a flash, them common ones which everyone has! Think it might have got muddled up with someone elses on the friday night cause im sure i only took like 5 pics and the cam ive got at home has like 18 blink.gif Think there was only a few group pics on it so im not too bothered about losing it but if u think you've got mine u prob want yours back. Im going to global so could swap ya there. Fankoooo x

I know Tasha lost hers - mabe you have hers ?




Hope you find it !

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Not you aswell Emma ... Bunnykins lost hers but i'm sure she said hers is silver


You wouldn't have a silver one aswell would you?



How you doing anyway?

Edited by Dawn


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Maybe, I just remember giving my cam over to someone to take a group pic and they could have given me the wrong one back, its all a bit fuzzy to be honest blink.gif dont think i had a group pic with tasha tho. Well ill finish the cam off and get it developed and put the pics up and see if anyone claims them smile.gif thanks! x

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Its not silver, its black with yellow card cover. Im fine thanks just recovering, had nasty cold all week, cant think why! lol How are u? forgot to ask if ur going to global? x

  • CTW DJs

Hiya Emma hun, good 2 see u, sorry if i was a bit quiet, but i was wrecked, hope all is well your way, did u get the cd?

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What are you like? losing cameras! lol

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Im fine thank you, still recovering tho! Only just unpacked my stuff smile.gif How are u? Havent got cd yet, might come this morning but postie hadnt been yet, im at work

sad.gif will let ya know!

Bushy: wasnt my fault someone who took a group pic gave me the wrong one back tongue.gif sheeeeesssh!!

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