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  • CTW Members

the one with the guy with the hose going into his nose. its disgusting i cant believe they'd show that on television. im never smoking again............after global

  • CTW Members

I havent had a cigarette for 4 weeks now. beer.gif

  • CTW Members

QUOTE (2funkedup @ Jul 24 2004, 21:18)
the one with the guy with the hose going into his nose. its disgusting i cant believe they'd show that on television. im never smoking again............after global

there is nothing disgusting about it really, i spose its just showing you the reality that could happen (and quite possibly will happen) from smoking. as for showing it on TV, its about time we got to show things how it really is instead of pussy footing around & trying not to offend anyone rolleyes.gif


1 in 3 people will contract cancer in our lives.......shocking really, why would you want to give it extra help by smoking? hope you do quit smoking thumbsup.gif & if that advert was enough to make a few people quit smoking.........isnt it doing the job it was intended to? (unfortunately through someone else's misfortune sad.gif )


serious issues & debates maybe? id like to hear others point of view on this & there is always more response in that forum


nice one ginge flowers.gif

Edited by Louise

  • CTW Members

the adverts on telly RE: drinking and smoking now3 are well harsh...


has anyone seen the new drink driving one?

  • CTW Members

Smoking Sucks! thumbsdown.gif



  • CTW Promotors

took your advise Lou & moved this topic thumbsup.gif


I have to agree with Lou 100% on this, it is good that they show things like they are, you say it's harsh, but in reality, cancer & getting killed by inconsiderate & selfish drunk drivers is harsh. thumbsdown.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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  • CTW Members

i dont smoke full time or even part time really every so often when im out i might have 1 or 2.people know the facts about smoking personally i think smoking should be banned. the money could be used on something far better, and were talking billions

  • CTW Promotors
QUOTE (2funkedup @ Jul 25 2004, 14:51)
i dont smoke full time or even part time really every so often when im out i might have 1 or 2.people know the facts about smoking personally i think smoking should be banned. the money could be used on something far better, and were talking billions

say that when you are addicted!! rolleyes.gif It's not always that easy to give up.

Techno, Techno, Techno

  • CTW Members

why can't they show the real life side to illegal drug taking?


the fact that it really can be quite good fun.



  • CTW Members
QUOTE (Lisa @ Jul 25 2004, 14:59)
QUOTE (2funkedup @ Jul 25 2004, 14:51)
i dont smoke full time or even part time really every so often when im out i might have 1 or 2.people know the facts about smoking personally i think smoking should be banned. the money could be used on something far better, and were talking billions

say that when you are addicted!! rolleyes.gif It's not always that easy to give up.


  • CTW Members

In my opinion, the legal drinking limit for drivers should be scrapped. If you're caught with ANY alcohol on your breath or in your blood you should get nicked. Different amounts have different effects on different people.


That advert with the 2 guys in the pub and the blonde girl is brilliant. Very graphic and shocking. I love it.


Those smoking adverts are a bit too depressing. I dont like those.


Really hate the NSPCC "Just give £2 a month" ones. They are REALLY depressing, especially when you've got a child that you never see.

  • CTW Promotors

thats the idea Ginge, to depress you & make you realise & I agree with you ref the drinking & driving thumbsup.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

  • CTW DJs
QUOTE (Ginge @ Jul 26 2004, 01:30)
If you're caught with ANY alcohol on your breath or in your blood you should get nicked.

I agree in principle, but it would be hard to enforce in a realistic and meaningful way.


E.g. if I had a few pints last night, technically there may be some traces of alcohol still in my system.

E.g. if I had a beef & ale pie for my lunch at the pub, technically that had some small traces of alcohol in it.

etc etc.


If you want to take your argument to its logical conclusion, there are plenty of other things that affect your driving more than a negligible amount of alcohol, like how much sleep you've had, or whether you've just had a large meal making you tired. (Which is not to say this makes a negligible amount of alcohol any more justifiable, of course.)


I think they've got the right idea with this campaign - i.e. don't even chance it. Better safe than sorry.

  • CTW Members

Quite a few people are arrested for drink driving the morning after a few to drink, usually unaware that they are over the legal limit and after sensibly avoiding driving on the night.

  • CTW DJs

Indeed. I wonder, in a case such as this, whether a person with x amount of alcohol in their blood (but has had plenty of sleep) is actually more fit to drive than a person who has the same amount in their blood but only just stopped drinking say an hour ago?


Or do you think the amount in your breath/blood is always a reliable guide to how "affected" you are?

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