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123.... You're back in the room


How'd it go dudes ? Weather looked perfect for yas

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absoloutley amazing yes.gif


perfect weather, perfect surroundings & perfect company


has been my mission to put ginge 6 foot under in the last 24 hours, wicked.gif but unsucsessfully thumbsdown.gif i even tried chucking him off a 100ft crane but they had attached a bungee rope to his ankles before i had chance to push him yeahrite.gif to be truthfull i was more scared than him & i was only watching from the bungee crate yikes.gifyikes.gif


was great to finally meet Nic & Squeaks huggles.gif & good seeing everyone again & being able to just lay around where ever we want user posted image


Tart....have you got rid of your extra head & legs yet? wink.gif


Tresh..... same time next year? flowers.gif


Amy & the ginger freak..... a pleasure as always grouphug.gif next year ginge wicked.gifdeath.gifwink.gif


user posted image

Edited by Louise

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QUOTE (Louise @ Aug 1 2004, 15:58)
the ginger freak



That naughty boy should be saving his sillyness for Dam ! wink.gif

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and on this night GIMP ph34r.gif PATROL were formed!!!

:roflmao:wot a great night i had!!!

oh sooooo fuckin wrong in everyway sooooo fuckin right!!!

funny as fuck on GIMP PATROL wiv u phil b roflmao.gif

a few peeps i aint seen that hammered before

Lou , phil and phils chin to say the least!! ha ha!! pmsl.gif

good ta shroom wiv ya ginge, rather u than me jumpin.

ace ta c you tart!! huggles.gif

scream yor a tool for finkin i hate ya!!

good ta catch ups wiv u n nic.

in my books LAB4 have totally redeemed themselves

wiv a STONKIN set only for ANDY FARLEY ta follow and

blow the fuckin roof off!! yay.gif ripped it right up!! woot.gif fuckin blinding set!! happydance.gif

beer.gif all !!!


lol.gif @ you Bazz ! flowers.gif
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had a thoroughly good event helped by fantastic weather


Only bummer was hellish traffic on way down- stupid arses were doing roadworks on the main roundabout where all the traffic would be coming through for global- great plannning


Was great to meet everyone- old faces and new- shame didn't manage to catch up with everyone I could but thats festivals for you


Highlights for me was Dave Clarke & Carl Cox. Also thought AVB was excellent- the little bit that I caught plus Ferry Corsten blasting out some old classics


Disappointed with James Zabelia- he was good but not upbeat enuff as he was at Renaissance wild in the country in May


Roll on next year

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I had an awesome night - the music & the weather was fantastic. As i stayed in the GK arena most of the night, for me Tiesto was superb but followed very closely by Armin and PVD. It was great to finally meet up with a few people..


Roll on Dance Valley!

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QUOTE (FRAZZLE @ Aug 1 2004, 19:27)
happydance.gif  roflmao.gif
and on this night GIMP ph34r.gif PATROL were formed!!!
:roflmao:wot a great night i had!!!
oh sooooo fuckin wrong in everyway sooooo fuckin right!!!
funny as fuck on GIMP PATROL wiv u phil b roflmao.gif
a few peeps i aint seen that hammered before
Lou , phil and phils chin to say the least!! ha ha!! pmsl.gif

Well what can I say, was the best Global out of the 3 I've now been to. The weather was ace and was good to catch up with everyone again. Met a few new faces and some older ones that I'd not seen for a long time.


Once again baz.gif and myself got up to lots of mischief while out on our first manouvers as the newly formed GIMP ph34r.gif Patrol. Next time I will definitely have my camera so we can record some footage on our wanders wink.gif


Yes, as you will no doubt find out I made the most of my first night off and being a 'clubber' again. My chin made a suprise appearance and while it was amusing we discovered something useful to do with it hey baz.gif


baz.gif didn't disappoint again with his 'hardcore' style user posted image All I have to say is.....


'Check out the chin on you!' :bulldog: roflmao.gif


Next time we will work a little harder on your little upset, just let me know before they walk off huggles.gif


ROLL ON THE 14TH happydance.gif



www.djphilbenson.co.uk - updated 28/08/04

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Had a brilliant time, was good to meet people again. Although i kept loosing everyone,

so i socialised very well cos i wasn't with the same person for anymore then two hrs, it was brilliant. I really can't believe its over and done with, it don't even feel as if i was there that long. I want to do it again this year!

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Well i got there at 4:30 and was there till the end thumbsup.gif


Had such an amazing night... was wicked to meet you all... wub.gif


2Funkedup... i think i'm in love! lol.gif You're a fucking star! Thanks for a wicked night! yes.gif And that whole 'close your eyes' strokey face thingy! Yum! shag.gif


Ginge... Legend... god you made me chuckle! Hope you had a god night hun grin.gif


SarahPVC... you foxy lady... was wicked to meet ya hun!


Was cool to meet Dondo, tresh and dani too!


Tara... we need to go out down south or something soon, cos seeing you for 5 mins wasnt enough! Was ace to see you again though! huggles.gif


Spent quite alot of my night wandering aimlessly around on my own unsure.gif but was quite cool to have some 'me' time.


Appolgies to everyone incase i made a fool of myself at any point blushing.gif


2Funkedup... what time did you lot go? cos i tried phoning you debbie and mike and couldnt get through to anyone sad.gif Had to go and see k90, lab4 and anyfarley on my todd!!! lol.gif But some random did give me the nicest joint just for giving him a light notworthy.gif Bargain!

Edited by Steph

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& your boxing boots & leg warmers didnt look as bad as i imagend lol.gifhuggles.gif

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lol.gif good good hun!


Was wicked to meet you wub.gif

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Excellent day, excellent company, and for once I was very verbose.


Lou, Phil...Pleasure as always, we make a GREAT team. wub.gifgrouphug.gifhuggles.gif Lou, you'll have to help me sort out my "mission" for next year. blink.gif


Baz... Shrooms and balloons...good old boy, cheers mate. thumbsup.gif


Steph...good to meet you, glad I could make you smile. flowers.gif


Tresh...good to meet you aswell, NOT what I expected at all, good lad beer.gif


Mark2, SmittenKitten...Sorry I didnt chat much, was a bit fooked, totally lost and worried about my mate Craig over-doing it again. See you next week. thumbsup.gif


Sue...good to see you again, even though it wasnt for very long. flowers.gif


Scream, Nic...brilliant to see you both again, sorry if my inane chatting of the bollocks was a bit much for ya. grouphug.gif


Dani...What can I say, you should let yourself go and do what you want. Love ya babe. huggles.gif


Steph (tart by name, etc)..you dirty little minx, you should write a book about your time at festivals. wub.gif


Anyone else I saw and forgot to mention, thanks for a brilliant day/night. Cant wait til next year.

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well what can i say really..................


had a wicked time yay.gifyay.gif


spent most of my time walkin round from tent to tent!


great seeing every1 again!


baz - cheers for the sweets babes huggles.gif


lou- not yet its still there yeahrite.gif


phil- a pizza hut a pizza hut


amy- great seein you again babes i mite just write a book on festivals throb.gif


tresh- bloody great seein you again babes! TW for deffo babes thumbsup.gif


scream & nic - greta seeing you both only for a short time huggles.gif


laurence - good seeing you wandering aswell


cherry - really really great seeing you babes its been ages!


elly - grouphug.gif ellys group hug


rach - flowers.gif


sparky - COME ON YOU FUCKERS!!!!!!!!!!!! says all i need 2 say really throb.gif


Squeak - always good to see you


saffy - flowers.gif


dill - raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa happydance.gif


overall a wicked weekend thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gif


big hugs


tart xxxxxxxxxx

Edited by tidytart

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