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The worst night of my life

Shaney R

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Another terrible incident @ Global Gathering, wats it all coming to??



the worse night of my life!!!!!!!!

Well, what can i say After turning up at the event at about 5 o clock i was greeted with a very frisky search so quick that i wasn't even searched!!!!!!


The reason Im writing this was coz i had to be taken out the event for my own security! why? coz 5 black blokes chased me with a knife!!!!!!!!!


Yes, a knife then as i was cornered one black bloke showed me a gun and started waving at me from about 20 meters away!!!


It all started as I was really enjoying my night during the tiesto set and i was walking through the crowd and i slightly skimmed a half cast man very slightly and he dived and tried slicing my ankle I brushed him away and started running for my life!! I was absolutely terrified!! I couldn't actually believe he had a knife and tried slicing my leg!!!


I got to the edge of the tent and was trying to think of a way to find my girlfriend and her sister to tell her what had happened but then as I was looking for her the lad started chasing me as, he must of recognised me from 10 mins previous so I ran out the tent to this burger place where the man let me in but the lads had followed me too and was all staring at me pointing to all his mates and must of been thinking of a plan to get me!

Eventually the burger guy finally got a security guard and he escorted me to the hospital part and said it would be best to stay in here for a while until these lads clear off.

but as I was escorted the lads that had tried to stab me must of followed us and they were all trying to pretend they were ill and stuff trying to get in the hospital! I was absolutely scared!!!!!

2 of um got in and one of um started waving a 6-7 inch knife at me and i was like ****!!!!!!!!!!!!! So i ran out the tent to find another security guard and finally found one and i pointed these guys out and as he went to do something one of these guys passed a carrier bag to another and out he pulled a gun and started waving it at me! I was absoulty scared for my life I told the security guards and one of the guys put it in a bin and the security guard ran after him leaving me behind then one of the other guys went and took it out the bin and ran off!

The security guard finally cam back and said to me look your going to have to get out of the event because there was nothing he could do! So he arranged for someone to take me to Coventry for my safety! leaving my girlfriend and her younger sister back at the event!!!


I eventually got hold of my girlfriend and told her what happened and she had to get a taxi to Coventry!! I was so glad to be still alive and finally back with my girlfriend! Then we had to find a bed and breakfast which we didn't find!!


Next my second part of my nightmare!! I rang one of the lads on the coach that we came up on and asked if the coach could wait 30 mins for us to get back but the coach driver had to get back for another job! so I was stranded in coventry with no money my girlfriend and her sister freezing to ****!!


I wanted to share this with everyone and hope that next year you can hire metal detectors on the door coz there are people clearly not getting searched! and people like me could of been killed by these evil minded people!!!


I eventually got home at 9pm sunday night! looking and feeling like **** coz of these idiots that tried to kill me!!!


I was having the best night ever untill this point and cant believe that these guys all had knifes and guns!!


Please do something about this godskitchen!!!!!!!!!!!


Also i have just found out that one of my other friends who was on the coach had his mobile taken from him 140 pound and his 200 pond oaklies!!!! again these were black guys probably going round doing this to everyone!!!!


I cant believe from having the best night ever to the most terrifying night of my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


torquay raver - victim




Thank you Jimmy for pointing this out to me.



Bookings/Info - www.myspace.com/shaney_r
msn - punani65@hotmail.com


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  • CTW Promotors

shit!! Did you read the post I put up Shaney, seems these arseholes succeeded in the end & did actually stab someone, in the head & neck thumbsdown.gif TOSSERS!!

Techno, Techno, Techno

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ohmy.gif i cant believe that! Im really sorry to hear what happened to u , what a disaster!


Thinking back, there were some very dodgy looking people walking around the site this year , (aside from me of course )

If i should die this very moment,
I wouldn't fear,
For i have known completeness like being here.
Wrapped in the warmth of you,
Loving every breath of you,
Still my heart this moment or it might burst,
Can we stay right here,
Untill the end of time,
Till the seas stop churning,
Wanna love you till the seas run dry.
Cos Ive found the one i am searching for...........the one.

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  • CTW Moderators

been arguin about this kinda thing on tidy board


i say why the hell wasnt the police called in and ppl got out the way for safety reasons if these guys were carying weapons especially a fookin gun ffs.

it takes the piss someone could of been hurt or even killed and it could of been a friend or even urself


come on ppl moan they dont want really tight security but i think id rather have strict searches and stuf rather than someone i no or myself bein seriously hurt or killed


all in all the security shit themselves and got the lad out the way but i hope the security who did is feeling really guilty right now that they could of prevented this happening by gettin the guys arrested not lettin them go ahead and stab someone else. mad.gifthumbsdown.gif

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  • CTW Promotors

smeone was hurt dani, read my post in here about it thumbsdown.gif


Last year was the same, dodgy people & thefts galore etc, its becoming realy bad.

Techno, Techno, Techno

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  • CTW Promotors

It's scary shite & before long, if it does carry on, they will ban all events mad.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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  • CTW DJs
QUOTE (EliteChick @ Aug 4 2004, 12:10)
ohmy.gif i cant believe that! Im really sorry to hear what happened to u , what a disaster!

Thinking back, there were some very dodgy looking people walking around the site this year , (aside from me of course )

I wasnt the victim, i took it off the Godskitchen forum just so people could be aware, its quite scary to think this stuff goes on.


Tighter security should be added i think at all major events like this.



Bookings/Info - www.myspace.com/shaney_r
msn - punani65@hotmail.com


1. Best Dj
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  • CTW Promotors

yeh stuff searching for the happy pills, concentrate on weapons, like most of the clubs I have been to in London seem to look for now.

Techno, Techno, Techno

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Guest Kether

QUOTE (Lisa @ Aug 4 2004, 14:36)
yeh stuff searching for the happy pills, concentrate on weapons, like most of the clubs I have been to in London seem to look for now.



Someone getting stabbed is a lot worse than a couple of buzzheads overdoing it.

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QUOTE (Kether @ Aug 4 2004, 15:08)
QUOTE (Lisa @ Aug 4 2004, 14:36)
yeh stuff searching for the happy pills, concentrate on weapons, like most of the clubs I have been to in London seem to look for now.



Someone getting stabbed is a lot worse than a couple of buzzheads overdoing it.


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these were black guys probably going round doing this to everyone


He sounds like a racist fucker to me.


I have a solution. We just ban black people from attending

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