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Should the Smutty stuff stay??  

36 members have voted

  1. 1. Should the Smutty stuff stay??

    • Yes, give me more of this dirty stuff
    • No, It shite, get rid of it

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QUOTE (russelldust @ Aug 13 2004, 16:13)
EA you are a fun girl

Maybe I'd find her more fun if I could actually understand anything she writes.



EA a word of advice - 'the' is spelt t-h-e, NOT d-a

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talk about petty - lmao@ jessica rabbit. ever heard of txt lingo- get wit it!!! haha. like a give a fuk - in the end im probs brighter than u ne how so tongue.gif - grow up an leave me alone - u dont have to read or like wot i say so just ignore it

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yeah that !



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  • CTW DJs

"get wit it" ... "da" ... that's not text-speak! That's imitating these boy bands who are trying to sound black.


Besides, there's a good reason for abbreviating on your phone - because of the character limit per text message. Doing it online is just plain cryptic.

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Thats what i'm saying ... it does not matter one iota ... spell the way you want to ... if other's can't be bothered to read it, then that' up to them, if it's bothering them, it's their problem not yours.


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QUOTE (edinburgh_angel @ Aug 14 2004, 19:20)
omg was is the issue. i unlike maybe sum of u am doing other things an while replying wanna b quick so i shorten words - u all still kno wot im sayin- or should that be - you, know an saying hahah

type faster tongue.gif

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QUOTE (Dawn @ Aug 12 2004, 16:34)
What kind of distress can a smut forum possibly cause shrug.gif

You go in you don't shrug.gif


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  • CTW DJs
QUOTE (edinburgh_angel @ Aug 14 2004, 19:21)
this isnt a classroom or sum kinda test - y does my spellin matter???

You are exhibiting a typical "mardy teenager" attitude towards school ... you seem to think that spelling will suddenly not be important when you enter the real world!


Seriously, have a think about some of these points:


1. People will take you more seriously (in most areas of life) if you articulate yourself well and spell correctly. FACT.

2. People will take you more seriously if you don't sound like you're trying to sound "black" (as in the gangster sense of deliberately abusing language).

3. English is easier to read than "text speak" or "'black' speak".

4. Ask yourself: if you can't be arsed to take any time over writing your post, why should people be arsed to read your post?

5. What is the point of language if it isn't to communicate your point effectively? If you don't think it's worth speaking proper English, why not take your argument to its logical conclusion and make your posts even more cryptic? Why not speak Welsh or Klingon or something?

6. Writing some proper English online would be some good practice for when you're older and it really matters. Trust me, there are a lot of areas of life where sub-standard writing skills will set you back!

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rite one - im not at skool ne more

two - im going to uni to do politics an law so i dont think im the dumb bitch u think i am.

three - does my spellin really matter???????? this is just for fun not for furtherin my career

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Righty Ho People, can we leave angel alone now? grin.gif


You've all made your points, and i'm sure you've all got much better things to do then slag people off for spelling and grammer erorrs, at the end of the day the world is not going to stop just because someone puts things across a little differently to everyone else. smile.gif


Lets make the new folk feel welcome, and you never know we may get more members! thumbsup.gif


*gets off his soapbox*

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