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Virginity and loss of


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  • CTW Members

what is the definition of this?


I figured it must be straight forward but then there are so many what-ifs..


for example lesbians.. they have sex right but there's not actually anything to penetrate with - nothing they have naturally anyway!


and what about anal sex.. what if a girl has had anal sex but not regular sex?


and gay men - what if they've taken it but never given it?


Am I right in saying there is no speficic definition of this?



Edited by squeakage
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the last person i mentioned this to got very upset


but in all seriousness I believe it was because he was a closet homosexual.


he became very defensive and he wasn't actually involved in the initial conversation

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Lesbiens is a bit of a tricky one, but i guess if they have penetrated their hymen in a sexual act, so with some big old strap on then i guess that counts, although as i've typed this i bet most lasses have penetrated themselves anyway with the old DIY


Anal sex still counts as penetrative sex so yeah i would say the virginity is lost.


Gay men, whether giving or receiving still counts as loosing virginity





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  • CTW DJs

Bloody good point Squeakmeister. Since "penetration" has always been the yardstick, it seems crazy that carpet-munchers are not able to "do it".


In that sense it's a circular issue. I.e. "What you define as virginity" determines "what is the significance of losing your virginity / what is the point of the word", and in turn "what is the significance of losing your virginity" determines how we define "what is virginity".


Philosophical indeed. scratchy.gif

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  • CTW Members

I'd say that anything sexual and penatrative would class as a loss of virginity. Hymen breaking doesnt class as loss of virginity seeing as it can break riding a bike or dive bombing in a swimming pool.

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  • CTW DJs

^ quite. For every definition I can think of, there's an exception to the rule, or an argument for why that definition is meaningless.

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  • CTW Members

virginity (v@R"dZInItI). Forms: 4-5 virgynyte, 6

-ite; 4-6 vyrgynyte, 5 -enyte, 6 -inite; 4-6 virginite

(-itee, 4 wirginite, 5 Sc. verginite), 5 -yte, 5-7

-itie, 6- virginity. [a. AF. and OF. virginite (mod.F.

virginite, = It. verginita, virginita, Sp. virginidad,

Pg. -idade), ad. L. virginitat-, virginitas, f. virgin-,

stem of virgo: see virgin n. and -ity.]

1. The condition of being or remaining in a state of chastity;

abstinence from or avoidance of all sexual relations; bodily

chastity, as a virtue of great commendation, or as conferring

especial merit or sanctity; the mode of life characterized by

this, esp. as adopted from religious motives.


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  • CTW DJs

Arguably you could class a snog as a "sexual relation" though.

Edited by LiquidEyes
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  • CTW Members

sexual relations have to involve genitalia...


Incidentally my best mate is the country's expert on transexual rape having written a legal paper on it...


type Gareth Branston transexual rape and I'm sure you'll find something



(legally a transexual woman is still a man, and for a long time rape only covered the vagina... therefore legally you couldn't prove a transexual had a vagina (as a man cannot) so a transexual couldn't be raped... my mate helped to change the precedent).

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