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edinburgh_angel i have just a couple of questions to ask. Firstly can you point out if SexyNic has ever had a go at you or anyone else before? Secondly how can one comment be seen as constant bitchin and judgement? It seems you find the remarks that people make about you hard to handle. Then here comes the little bit of advice. If you find remarks that people make about you hard to take, then maybe you should listen to why they are making such comments. I mean there can't be no smoke without fire now can there?


Now you'll probably go off on one like some teenager that's taken offence, don't bother as i'm not interested. I just think you are the one that needs to grow up. You posted on CIH that CTW was boring and all this and that. Well if you really believed that why you still posting here? Lonely?

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actually dont think i said boring but judgemental an egocentric- rite im havin a laugh - im being me an i dont c y ppl cant either accept it or leave it alone!!! there are alot of comments which really dont need to be said - they snide and uncalled for comments. ppl shud just ignore my comments if they offend them or dont like wot im sayin.

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Well, we know you didn't say "boring but judgemental an egocentric" because we can read. I think you're missing the point. We come on this board to talk general cod shit and some other stuff. But when the posts are, well, a little below the belt shall we say, then these type of posts should be left to PM's. if you feel like people are being snide with you, then you have to ask why? If you want to say such things just leave it to PM's in future, then everyone is happy as larry.



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u kno wot - this is a smut forum - i dont post ne thing dodgy in other forums. i am not the worst at sayin dodgy stuff an deffo not the only one - if u dont like readin dirty stuff - stick in the general forum not the SMUT or can u really not read after all!!!!!!

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nah no nerve hit just cant b fuked wi ur constant bitchin an judgements


edinburgh_angel i have just a couple of questions to ask. Firstly can you point out if SexyNic has ever had a go at you or anyone else before? Secondly how can one comment be seen as constant bitchin and judgement?


you didn't actually answer those questions, where have i been constantly bitchy or judgemental?


i don't have a problem with you and i haven't meant to sound like i'm constantly getting at you so can we just move on from this?

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  • CTW DJs

Hey edinburgh_angel,


Have you though of changing your signature to "oy, leave me alone, I'm just being me" smile.gif

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You shouldnt let people get to you so easy. Roll with the punches, sit back, relax, take a deep breath and let it slide.

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QUOTE (edinburgh_angel @ Aug 14 2004, 19:52)
yeah have tried with most comments but wen ppl either get too personal or petty tbh it upsets me - lets hope it all ova an done wi - check out new post in fao

It's only because they can bigwink.gif


have replied smile.gif


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