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post your best put down line!!


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  • CTW Promotors

Mine is *what ya gonna do for a face when Jabba the hut asks for his arse back??*

Techno, Techno, Techno

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heres mine, as you can see whan i get wound up, i let rip smile.gif


What a putrid waste of a puny penis you are! You should face legal action for your attempt to impersonate a man, you ridiculous little mascara face-painted Jerk-In-The-Box. You couldn't get a date if you bought them dried in a tin, you under-medicated, rump-ruptured chronic self-abuser. You're the kind of greasy, giggling, girly gombeen who buys STDs from a viral lab just to make it look like you get laid. You're damn right about being vomit-inducing fugly. You have a face that would give Freddie Kruger nightmares. How much would you change to haunt a house? You're a politically vacillating phony liberal fuck; too damn broadminded to take your own side in a debate. Calling you a pea brain would be an insult to peas, you jellyfish-sucking mental midget. Did your mother leave you in the dryer too long when you were a kid, you little tap-dancing Leprechaun in a pink wig? Be careful you don't bump your head on the door handle on the way out. I bet the highway patrol make you wear a sign on your fat ass that reads, 'Caution: Wide Load!' Professional what? Are you a professional simpleton, or simply a well meaning amateur? That's a sexy outfit you're wearing. Who shot the couch? Now, my little ankle-humping hermit, do me a favour and get your clubfoot stook on a busy train track.

Edited by Aaron
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  • CTW Promotors
ohmy.gif fook thats a mouthfull Aaron, id get all tongue tied trying to get all that lot out tongue.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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  • CTW Promotors

they either do or they drop off tongue.gifwink.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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  • CTW Promotors

Techno, Techno, Techno

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"Put that down!"

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QUOTE (Lisa @ Aug 14 2004, 10:50)
Mine is *what ya gonna do for a face when Jabba the hut asks for his arse back??*



i think mine would be


what do you want, a medal?




i'm sorry, but you seem to have mistaken me for someone who cares

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  • CTW DJs
QUOTE (SexyNic @ Aug 15 2004, 09:46)
what do you want, a medal?

I prefer the classic Fast Show / Inspector Monkfish variation: "what do you want, a biscuit?"

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