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FAO Lisa


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Yo Lisa,


Just out of interest...


1. Did you delete that thread?

2. Is Mr Happy going to be reinstated as a CTW member?




P.S. Please don't insult me! wink.gif

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QUOTE (LiquidEyes @ Aug 16 2004, 14:58)
Yo Lisa,

Just out of interest...

1. Did you delete that thread?
2. Is Mr Happy going to be reinstated as a CTW member?


P.S. Please don't insult me! wink.gif

You best take the banning issue up with the 'Boss'.


And yes, the threads were deleted.



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Also, she hasn't really insulted anyone. Lisa just retaliated (like half of you on here, do smile.gif ) being that such remarks were uncalled for and come 'out of the blue' so to speak.



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But it's alright for them to do it .. Edinburgh-angel - jimbob spring to mind rolleyes.gif


And I don't believe Lisa was even logged in when Larence was having a bout of verbal diarrhea and subsequently got barred.


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