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  • CTW Members

Its taken 10 years for Universal and Fox to get their act together but Alien Vs Predator has finally arrived. I'm off to see it tomorrow.


Alex V wink.gif

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  • CTW Members

is it out already??


need to get my arse to the cinema, so many films out atm that i want to c and this is another to add to the list

I was going to post a gag about flagellation, necrophilia and bestiality but it's just flogging a dead horse.

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  • CTW DJs

watched it last night and its fucking dreadfukl


whats the point of making an avp if your gonna tone it down so it can be released as a PG rating no.gif


and also, since when did scientists on an excavation carry huge weapons lol.gif

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  • CTW Members

Ok, I may not go and see it tomorrow then in that case. Its out here in China and a load of other travellers are going to see it tomorrow.


Its rated a PG????? Thats crazy!!!!!!!


Alex V wink.gif

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  • CTW DJs

PG!!!! No way!


Using elementary teenager-logic, I refuse to watch any film that doesn't have at least a 15 rating. smile.gif

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  • CTW DJs

yup, has a pg rating in canada and states....


only +ve thing to come from it, is that it follows the orig storyline pretty well.....


paul anderson was always gonna fuck it up tho in fairness - with the exception of event horizon, he has a proven track record for making poor films thumbsdown.gif

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  • CTW DJs

stay clear of dodgeball as well - tis also utter wank (best bits are in trailer so watch that and pretend you saw film!)


hellboy is SUPERB for the first hour - make sure you leave after that cos it then decends into piss-poor hollywood crap lol.gif worth seeing just for first hour tho!

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  • CTW Members

I too was really, really, really looking foward to this movie. Isn't Hollywood shit sometimes. It would have been great if Arnie had made a comeback for that movie. Too bad he's busy being a governor now eh?


Alex V wink.gif

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  • CTW Members

'CG' would be 'computer graphics'...right? unsure.gif

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