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QUOTE (Phil B @ Aug 17 2004, 12:34)
To be honest I don't think we will ever get to the bottom of this.....

You maybe right Phil ... but someone it seems is out to harm this site and or members on here and there doing a fine job right now sad.gif


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seems so doesnt it mad.gifthumbsdown.gifthumbsdown.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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From what i have been told about Invision powered message boards, nobody will know your passwords or be able to access your private mesages, not even the admin on the sites.

If you login in from places other than your home pc, make sure you press no the "remember id on this pc" question and make sure the auto login is not selected in the main login page.

Makesure your email address that you use for the signup isnt being hacked into, your password might be taken from there, dont keep the emails you get sent with login details from message boards in the email account either.

Dont use the same password for everything and change it every week or two..


other than that if a hacker wants access to you details bad enough, there isnt really much that you can do to stop them

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QUOTE (Maria @ Aug 17 2004, 11:27)
Your passwords are more secure if you use alphanumeric characters.

Hope you've changed it now Dawn flowers.gif

thats utter bollox


its no more difficualt to crack a seemingly random password than it is one thats is dictionary word.

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QUOTE (ChrisT @ Aug 17 2004, 18:55)
From what i have been told about Invision powered message boards, nobody will know your passwords or be able to access your private mesages, not even the admin on the sites.
If you login in from places other than your home pc, make sure you press no the "remember id on this pc" question and make sure the auto login is not selected in the main login page.
Makesure your email address that you use for the signup isnt being hacked into, your password might be taken from there, dont keep the emails you get sent with login details from message boards in the email account either.
Dont use the same password for everything and change it every week or two..

other than that if a hacker wants access to you details bad enough, there isnt really much that you can do to stop them

it wouldnt be too difficualt to write a program that would cycle though all the character combinations until it gained access to someones account.


i know i have the knowlage to do it so i'm sure someone lacking morals has done so and stuck it online for all to download

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If the security is at risk then practically every message board out there is at risk. I can only assume that someone has actually guessed a password. I would definitely change them every so often and not use any dictionary keywords.


The passwords are encrypted and not even I can get to them, its also unlikely that they hacked the database but anything is possible but again I really do doubt it. I'll do some checks but in the meantime dont PM anything 'too' personal - stick to msn or email perhaps.


I deffo need some more details however for example can you PM me the password(s) you used on this account.


Another thing you can do is just immediately delete any sensitive PMs once you've read them.


Short from following this up with the software creators there isnt anything I can personally do and like I say if we're affected then 100s of thousands of sites are possibly at risk - which I very much doubt.


As stated, best to pick a really difficult password to remember as people can use things such as 'brute force' to keep logging in with dictionary words until they succeed.

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QUOTE (James @ Aug 17 2004, 22:15)

I deffo need some more details however for example can you PM me the password(s) you used on this account.

Done smile.gif





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QUOTE (James @ Aug 17 2004, 22:15)
As stated, best to pick a really difficult password to remember as people can use things such as 'brute force' to keep logging in with dictionary words until they succeed.

the 'brute force' attack is when every character combination is scanned until access is gained. what your refering to is called the 'dictionary attack' smile.gif

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You didn't use the password "password" did you...? smile.gif


Joking aside, apparently a massive proportion of people use guessable passwords, like the name of their pet or a family member, or a word from the dictionary. Or PIN codes like 1234!

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