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  • CTW Members

Enough of the arguing and fighting lads, don't you think there has been enough going on.


Why don't you work together to get things going. I think any help and enthusiasm is always a step in the right direction.




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  • CTW DJs
QUOTE (carl nicholson @ Aug 24 2004, 17:48)
QUOTE (LiamStyles @ Aug 24 2004, 17:42)
In my opinion, you care about CTW about as much as my mum does. Ever since I joined all you seem to do is pop up every now and again to promote yourself in any way that you can. You're not an active member in the slightest, you dont come to ANY meets that you havent been playing at. Jesus, think its safe to say that Ive been to more meets than you and I live in another country, across a frigging sea. If things are going well for you, great, I wish you all the best with it all.....I really do. But as a member I dont have any confidence in you to promote this site, Id much prefer an ACTIVE member to be involved.

Thats my opnion anyway, not that it will count for much.

Dont get on your high horse with me ya muppet! If u wanna talk to me like a fuckin adult then PM me!!!! Not like a snivelling little kid wingeing on a messageboard!! REMEMBER THATS WHY EVERYONE KEEPS LEAVING!!!!! And did u not read the post above i havent been well mate, yeah and thats why i havent been around for the last 6 months!!!! So let me guess who u want to run the DJ side of things, ermmmmmmmmmmmm.........YOU! blink.gif


Remember, YOU DONT LIVE IN ENGLAND! wallbash.gif

Sorry liam, sounds a bit harsh i know but if u knew why i hadnt been around u would understand! sad.gif

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  • CTW DJs
QUOTE (Rascal @ Aug 24 2004, 17:50)
Enough of the arguing and fighting lads, don't you think there has been enough going on.

Why don't you work together to get things going. I think any help and enthusiasm is always a step in the right direction.

Thats all i am trying to do but i get the feelin i'm steppin on peoples toes! Maybe we all should just say fuck it, might be easier all round! unsure.gif All i was trying to do was get a bit of comradeship going thats all and i get it thrown straight back in my face! sad.gif

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  • CTW DJs

right, you've been in hospital for 6months? Well Ive been a member for a year and a half. So my point still stands. For the other 12 months of the 18 all youve done is pop up to promote yourself, quite shamelessly I may add.

Secondly, I wouldnt want this "job" if you paid me so thats your theory out the window. Yes I know I live in N.Ireland (I did say that in my post actually), but thats neither here nor there as i dont want to do it anyway.


Im a snivelling little kid? Who's the one getting all arsey and throwing the toys out of the pram merely becos I have aired my personal views. Everyone on here is big and ugle enough to make up their own minds on you and whether you get the role. I just wanted to air my views. Why didnt I pm you? I wanted to make my views on this matter public, for all to read. I am intitled to that.

Bet you look good on the dancefloor
*LiamStyles - mixes on rotation*
Current mix "No Concept Of Time" CLICK HERE

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  • CTW DJs

QUOTE (carl nicholson @ Aug 24 2004, 17:50)
QUOTE (carl nicholson @ Aug 24 2004, 17:48)
QUOTE (LiamStyles @ Aug 24 2004, 17:42)
In my opinion, you care about CTW about as much as my mum does. Ever since I joined all you seem to do is pop up every now and again to promote yourself in any way that you can. You're not an active member in the slightest, you dont come to ANY meets that you havent been playing at. Jesus, think its safe to say that Ive been to more meets than you and I live in another country, across a frigging sea. If things are going well for you, great, I wish you all the best with it all.....I really do. But as a member I dont have any confidence in you to promote this site, Id much prefer an ACTIVE member to be involved.

Thats my opnion anyway, not that it will count for much.

Dont get on your high horse with me ya muppet! If u wanna talk to me like a fuckin adult then PM me!!!! Not like a snivelling little kid wingeing on a messageboard!! REMEMBER THATS WHY EVERYONE KEEPS LEAVING!!!!! And did u not read the post above i havent been well mate, yeah and thats why i havent been around for the last 6 months!!!! So let me guess who u want to run the DJ side of things, ermmmmmmmmmmmm.........YOU! blink.gif


Remember, YOU DONT LIVE IN ENGLAND! wallbash.gif

Sorry liam, sounds a bit harsh i know but if u knew why i hadnt been around u would understand! sad.gif

Yes it was harsh. Carl, If you want to do it, then take it up with James. Im just making my opinion known. Nothing personal, just how I feel towards this subject.

Bet you look good on the dancefloor
*LiamStyles - mixes on rotation*
Current mix "No Concept Of Time" CLICK HERE

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I think before we go on a massive promotion drive, we need find a way to stop all the bitch fights that seem to be happening on here, and i'm not directing that at anyone, it was just a general comment.


I just cant see how any member would want to stick around when everyone is at each others throats all the time.


If I joined up in the last couple of weeks, I would have taken one look at the place and left, just like i did with gurn.


We dont even seem to make new members welcome anymore, take Edinburgh_angel for example, she was laid into right from the word go, and regardless of individual people feelings about some of the posts she made, the fact is she didnt post anything wildly different to anyone else on here, and didnt deserve to be run off the board.


Sorry if i've gone on a bit, but thats my opinion for what its worth.

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TBH, I don't think we should have the DJ thing involved at the moment. I think getting the site back on track is more important than the DJ issue at present, and I know for a fact, a few people think the same.


The DJs on this site are excellent. I am very sad that Tony has left TBH, as he put his heart and soul into getting gigs for Phil and Liam and Carl etc, and it was something he loved doing, and I am being honest here, got nothing against you Carl, as you know, but your post did come across as though you wanted to quickly jump in his grave rather than support him in coming back. Just being honest but I don't mean anything personal by it.


But ever sinse day one, when the DJ side of things came on board, there has always been some kind of issue with it all.


I PERSONALLY think it's time to concentrate more on meets (the ACTUAL concept of the site itself) and fresh Members, making the commuinty a bit more wide spread.


Just my own thoughts on the whole thing.

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  • CTW DJs

I agree with Maria, but tbh i think we should totally scrap the dj side of it all together until the site is exactly what James wants it to be.


I love CTW but lately I have lost all motivation to be a part of it.

Bet you look good on the dancefloor
*LiamStyles - mixes on rotation*
Current mix "No Concept Of Time" CLICK HERE

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  • CTW Admin

RE: DJs / bookings


We may well be stopping our involvement in this area and getting back to being purely a meeting place for people and putting our efforts into arranging non-clubbing meets as well as the standard clubbing meets.


I'm afraid Tony has decided not to continue with the DJ booking side of things on here and I can appreciate his reasons for this.


I am going to have a longer think about the DJ side as its not really turned out as it was originally intended and I think we are already currently trying to cater for too much here.


If anyone wants any cards to hand out let me know but I'm still very keen for the site to grow by purely word-of-mouth (i.e. speaking to those who are actually interested / have a reason to join), rather than just blanket flyering.


I'm also keen to keep the membership numbers 'real' and not jsut have a load of people register and post once for the sake of saying 'hi'


I do think that long term the site and its purpose will go in a positive direction again.


Its crucial that we dont have too many people involved as we end up with communication issues, but those that are involved have to be aware that this takes up an inredible amount of their time and for most of the time little return. I currently only get to spend a couple of hours a week on here at present, as apposed to a few hours each night a year or so ago. If there are people out there who can be self sufficient and handle certain areas of the site confidently it would be good to speak to you. You should all be aware of what we are trying to do here but as I say I'm quite happy for it just to be a meeting place and nothing else, however I'm keen to increase the properly organised meets (which havent really happend for several months), rather than put energy back into promoting the DJ side - which is after all an add-on to the original concept.

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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  • CTW Admin

Agreed with Maria / Liam - until such a time that the site (and its original concept) is back on track, and we've got the moderation sorted out such that the friendly atmosphere is also back I say we completely leave the DJ side alone - I've said it before and I'll keep saying it, we are just not big enough a site yet to properly promote any DJ. Also the originally idea was to give lots of member DJs a chance to play - people who would not normally get the chance - the fact is that we dont get enough sets offered in order to be able to do this. In fact I would far rather do something like Rascal suggested and set up our own private parties which we can all subsidise - then we can play whoever we want and give everyone a chance and everyone a reason to come along and support their friends playing.


Although it probably doesnt appear like it today believe me I do still have the original vision stuck in my mind and it will be realised one day - I just see this present period as yet another learning curve - which we can all learn from to build the site this should and will be one day.


Again I think Rascal and Maria are right in that we need to start promoting ourselves and the community better in terms of who we are and put all the energy into our own meets and not just other peoples nights.


Rascal - I'll PM you soon as it would be great to have you involved in some of these areas as you appear to have exactly the same outlook as me and the rest of the remaining team.

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

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  • CTW Admin

RE: The bad atmosphere on here


If people can PM me with information about who/what is causing the recent change in atmosphere I will take action - unfortunately I dont have time to monitor posts daily but will leave it up to you all to decide what action needs to take place - if enough people say the same thing then it will be a no brainer.

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

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  • CTW Members

Agreed with Maria / Liam - until such a time that the site (and its original concept) is back on track, and we've got the moderation sorted out such that the friendly atmosphere is also back


James, I honestly can't see that happening. Moderating the board was never an issue *back in the day* ... what does that tell you? It's the members that are the problem. The problem is that your members on here are all (well the majority) Hard House (and the like) people. It's like magnets, and the fact that *like poles repel* ... all you'll ever get on a board like this if everyone is into the same thing is unrest. Before (on the old board), we had a nice cross-section of people, from all over the UK that were into different genres of music ... and it worked. Sure there was banter between everyone about lots of different things, but I don't ever remember out-and-out slanging matches that resulted in people leaving the board/ getting banned, etc.

In all seriousness, I don't think you'll ever recreate the vibe that we used to have here. I used to be more than happy to be involved with CTW and promote it where ever possible, but I'll tell you, I wouldn't now - in fact, I'm actually quite ashamed of how much this board has gone down hill in the past year. All of the 'characters' and the nice poeple that used to make this board what it was have ALL moved on ... what does that tell you??

Seeing as I'm here, WTF is all this moderating shit that's going on at the moment? Why have we got members being banned for having open and honest views about what THEY think is wrong with the site? The difference is, I'm not gonna single anyone out and name names - not because I'm too chicken to, but becuase i'm talking about ALL OF THE MEMBERS. All you guys that use this board all of the time have to take responsibility for it - it's ALL OF YOU and your bitchy, cliquey ways that are making people leave and not come back.

All of the promotion and marketing you're planning on doing is a waste of time if you can't get people to stay .... and if the outlook of the whole board doesn't change, the simple fact is, new members won't be here for long - which goes against everything I thought the board existed for.


Anyway, I don't know why I've typed so much - it's only gonna get deleted in a minute for being too controversial, and for having opinions in it.


James - I wish you the best of luck ... you're gonna need it!

Edited by Nick G
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  • CTW DJs

I for one wouldnt delete what you just posted, it actually makes alot of sense and I agree with alot of what you've said. At the end of the day, its the members that make this site what it is (good or bad).

Bet you look good on the dancefloor
*LiamStyles - mixes on rotation*
Current mix "No Concept Of Time" CLICK HERE

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  • CTW Members

i'de love to see some fresh things with the site, as everything does seam very familiar at the moment, i think alot of the members, myself included, just arnt posting much or trying to improve things because things just seem to be in a rut.

A little effort from everyone and things could get intresting again.

We all do seem to do alot of talking and not to much action though yes.gif

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  • CTW DJs

So we are all agreed that we need to get new members in! flowers.gif With regard to me "Jumping in Tonys grave" well that is debatable, i was just offering my assistance which obviously isnt wanted!!! I reckon we need to have at least 30 people signed in everyday before that can happen anyway, but formost the question that needs answering is can we all be friends, i realise opinions sometime need to be made clear but can't these be made in private! Airing dirty laundry in public is gonna do no one any favours!!! I know Liam has had issues in the past about not being an "Official" CTW DJ and feel this is one of the reasons he jumped down my throat so fast, but if he had thought about it first he would have realised that if we were gonna carry on the DJ thing then surely he was one of the next in line to be included in the roster! yes.gif


Also, i feel that we should have a "Can" forum in which if the moderators think that a debate or argument is getting out of hand it would be good to be able to log the people in question out of the main board and only give them access to a can which will be non accessable to others to view, no quoting or copying should be allowed and basically until one of the mods sees an improvment in behaviour they have to stay in there until resolved!!! That way they will realise that causing trouble just ends up being boring and people arent gonna have to be faced with it as much! flowers.gif


Anyway i hope we can sort this out before its too late and it ends up a ghost site like giftedgeneration.com!!!!!!!!!!! devil.gif



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