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  • CTW DJs
QUOTE (LiamStyles @ Aug 24 2004, 17:54)
right, you've been in hospital for 6months? Well Ive been a member for a year and a half. So my point still stands. For the other 12 months of the 18 all youve done is pop up to promote yourself, quite shamelessly I may add.
Secondly, I wouldnt want this "job" if you paid me so thats your theory out the window. Yes I know I live in N.Ireland (I did say that in my post actually), but thats neither here nor there as i dont want to do it anyway.

Im a snivelling little kid? Who's the one getting all arsey and throwing the toys out of the pram merely becos I have aired my personal views. Everyone on here is big and ugle enough to make up their own minds on you and whether you get the role. I just wanted to air my views. Why didnt I pm you? I wanted to make my views on this matter public, for all to read. I am intitled to that.

Right mate, i have never slated you on any public forums or even said a bad word to anyone regarding you! Lets let sleeping dogs lie and get on with the job in hand else we'll just end up falling out and i dont even know you so that wouldnt be a very good start would it! sad.gif

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I agree with Maria.


James, let me know if your around later for a chat - I've got a few ideas...

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i know they used to be on here and weren't used, but i think that chat rooms may be a good idea,


there are times when there are loads of people online, but no1 is posting, and i think that chat rooms could be useful at those times as you can have a conversation with people but not have to change post to check ur reply


tho i could see a problem with moderation


just an idea like

I was going to post a gag about flagellation, necrophilia and bestiality but it's just flogging a dead horse.

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I deffinatly don't think that is a solution to the "problem" and I don't see your idea working either. It didn't work before, so why would it work now ?


I don't see a chat room is usefull / beneficial to the site. I think it's boring, but that is only my personal opinion. however, it may differ to other peoples views.


I am deffo not in favour of having a chat room (again).

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QUOTE (Nick G @ Aug 24 2004, 22:54)

Moderating the board was never an issue *back in the day*  ... what does that tell you? It's the members that are the problem.

Exactly, Nick. People change, new Members join with different personas, hence moderation is put in force (and rules).


You have mods on your board, do you not ?


Moderators are there to 'protect' (and also help move and sort content on the board), if you will, Members / posts / the board if need be. We don't moderate if nothing needs moderating, we moderate when something needs moderating / something gets out of hand, err obviously. wink.gif

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  • CTW DJs
QUOTE (Maria @ Aug 25 2004, 14:23)
QUOTE (Nick G @ Aug 24 2004, 22:54)

Moderating the board was never an issue *back in the day*  ... what does that tell you? It's the members that are the problem.

Exactly, Nick. People change, new Members join with different personas, hence moderation is put in force (and rules).


You have mods on your board, do you not ?


Moderators are there to 'protect' (and also help move and sort content on the board), if you will, Members / posts / the board if need be. We don't moderate if nothing needs moderating, we moderate when something needs moderating / something gets out of hand, err obviously. wink.gif

So me little welsha, what do you think this board needs to bring people back(And keep em here???)!!! grin.gif

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You can't force Members back, they will only come back (for those who left ?) on their own free will.


As I said earlier in the thread, cards have now been designed and are ready to give out to people who you want to join the board, or for those who want to join the board.


A bit more of a positive vibe around the place would be alot more benificial to the site and other new Members who sign up.


End of the day, CTW was initially set up as a meet up base, so-to-speak, and I think that needs working on now.


People harp on about CTW is 'dead' CTW is 'slow' and whatever else, only us Members can actually change the site and make it 'a better place' and fill it with potential, but that is only if you / others, actually want to.



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  • CTW DJs

I have just had an idea!!! How about if we hold a CTW Fair!!! If each of us hold a different virtual ride for 3 days where people come on the board and we being the ride masters virtually take them through the ride!!! We could have someone on a coconut shy, someone on the haunted house etc etc!!! Would be just a laugh really but i think it would be good for morale and show prospective members that we are up for a laugh just as much as anyone else!!! woot.gif

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QUOTE (Maria @ Aug 25 2004, 14:23)
QUOTE (Nick G @ Aug 24 2004, 22:54)

Moderating the board was never an issue *back in the day*  ... what does that tell you? It's the members that are the problem.

Exactly, Nick. People change, new Members join with different personas, hence moderation is put in force (and rules).


You have mods on your board, do you not ?


Moderators are there to 'protect' (and also help move and sort content on the board), if you will, Members / posts / the board if need be. We don't moderate if nothing needs moderating, we moderate when something needs moderating / something gets out of hand, err obviously. wink.gif


Yes we've got mods, but we NEVER have to delete threads cos of arguing and the like - all we do is look after the forums; move posts, approve new members and dish out passwords for the mixes, etc.

The difference is, people are on 'my' site because of their interest in music - not their interest in drugs, who's shagging who, who's the most random etc - they're a totally different breed of people to those on here ... dare i say, 'more mature'.

At the end of the day, moderating (deleting posts and banning people, etc) isn't needed if the members show some basic respect to each other and don't act like 5 year olds. I've been mod/ admin on that other board for over a year now and i've never had to worry about having to keep everyone in line. Admittedly it's nowhere near as busy as this board, but that makes no difference - everyone gets on, and if they don't, they simply ignore the ones they don't get one with.

It ain't rocket science ... is it?

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QUOTE (Nick G @ Aug 25 2004, 16:38)

At the end of the day, moderating (deleting posts and banning people, etc) isn't needed if the members show some basic respect to each other and don't act like 5 year olds.

I coudn't agree with you more ! And that's exactly why we have moderators Nick. To help in keeping it under control. As with other Message Boards believe it or not ! tongue.gif

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  • CTW DJs
QUOTE (carl nicholson @ Aug 25 2004, 09:38)
I know Liam has had issues in the past about not being an "Official" CTW DJ and feel this is one of the reasons he jumped down my throat so fast,

Thats a load of shite. I have NEVER asked to be an "official" CTW DJ, nor have I ever complained about not being being one. And Im pretty sure James, the rest of the CTW crew and the members who know me will tell you the exact same.

I am a MEMBER of this site, thats all. When I posted what I did about you taking over from Tony I was speaking as a member, not a bitter DJ.


I dont want this to turn into an arguement with you, whats the point? I just put across my opinion, you're the one reading too much into it. I dont want you to take over from Tony, Ive given my reasons why, end of.


I have every respect for you if you put some effort into this site to get more members signed up etc, go for it. I just dont think we need you to take over the running of the DJ side of it.

Bet you look good on the dancefloor
*LiamStyles - mixes on rotation*
Current mix "No Concept Of Time" CLICK HERE

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QUOTE (Nick G @ Aug 25 2004, 16:38)
The difference is, people are on 'my' site because of their interest in music - not their interest in drugs, who's shagging who, who's the most random etc - they're a totally different breed of people to those on here ... dare i say, 'more mature'.

I'm in agreement with Nick here, things like the smut forum do not give a good impression, I have already aired my views on this though.


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re: Smut - this cant be seen until you've registered


re: Bannings - no one is banned, people are just on full moderation - i.e. all their posts are monitored - I'm getting fed up of people saying they are banned


re: People who have left - no one has been told to leave - we havent forced anyone out - it was THEY who made the decision to leave


re: Members - we cannot and will not controls the characters and personalities of the members here - we cant start banning people who some people just dont like - in either case we'd never get to an agreed list - we all have people we like and dislike here - thats life. Most of the time people say to me "you've got to get the hardhouse / young people off here" - well i'm sorry but they make up most of the membership here and in fact the people who continue to join are of the younger generation. Please note that these people will grow old like you (and I lol) so I'm looking forward to the long term future as we'll actually have a really good mix of ages on here. Please remember that in the 'old days' I was purely clubbing in funky clubs (in fact additionally only in liverpool) - it was a closenit community of slightly older clubbers - the reason the membership has changed is because myself and sarah got much more into the hard dance scene - so its only expected that we would attract clubbers from this arena ! I afraid I dont accept the argument of "you need on your site - for one how do you regulate this - but most importantly I would never dream of restricting any type of individual from joining - but of course if people play up then we will take action.


re: Moderation - personally I think the moderation is a LOT better - I scan the moderater logs weekly and you would be amazed at how few posts are actually moderated - when I was doing it I was definitely overkill and people were a lot less happy then.


I dont think there is any great need to add thousands of new people to site, nor do I think we particularly need to ensure we 'keep' people or bring people back - people will come and go regardless. However we DO need to clamp down on some of the arguments and turn the atmoshpere more friendly again - it was only the other day a couple of my friends said to me they probaby wouldnt join as people are quite harsh on here - looking at the posts in question I actually couldnt see too much of a problem, but obviously its still putting genuine & friendly people off from registering at all. This is going to be the first thing we are going to address and sort out once and for all. In the past as I say I've gone into overkill mode and I've had many existing members say I'm going to far with the moderating as 'its fun' to see the odd argument blow up - you simply cant win so from now on the moderation team will decide what is the best action as its only the team who have the full background and history of the problems (which is precisely why we dont justfiy moderation issues in public). As I say the moderating is a lot better than it was and probably as best as we can achieve running this kind of site.


RE: DJs - 100% agree with everyone on this that its become a huge distraction for me and everyone else and its also confused a lot of new members as to what the site is about.


We still go out, we still meet new people and we still have a good laugh so personally the site is still working for me. Only last Saturday at Serious I met Alasdair who is over from the US visiting friends - having never met him and him being registered on here ever since the beginning it was one of the biggest buzzes I've had whilst out clubbing - I want more meets like this to happen, like they used to.


Amanda - I'll give you a call later !

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Could we split the Events section into "North", "Midlands" & "South".. perhaps then make visible a list of members that fall into each geographical area..? There are alot of events that go on in london where the meets seem to happen more often and although i would like to attend these, its just too expensive to do with any regularity plus it infringes with personal commitments i have. I would like to know who is in my "area" as such... may be then group mail lists could be set up and emailed to promote a meet-up.. the messages could be personalised to encourage a "bring a friend" policy which might swell the membership... I appreciate it would be down to the members in these areas to get something going so everyone would need to make a conscious effort


Personally, i would scrap the Jokes, Smut sections, but even more radically, i would remove the General Chat... Some of the comments do get a bit harsh in there and i dont see that it really adds any value to a site that was set up to promote club meets. This is just my opinion...


In the 2 years that i have been a member, everyone i have met on here so far has been really nice. I do feel that prospective members might not feel very encouraged to attend these meets when they see some of the things being written in the forums..

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