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QUOTE (James @ Aug 31 2004, 20:39)
only thing i'm against is personal attacks

But it's ok to attack some members, just not others.


reminds me of ...... 'all members are equal, but some members are more equal than others'

Edited by Jessica Rabbit
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  • CTW Admin
QUOTE (Jessica Rabbit @ Sep 3 2004, 18:10)
But it's ok to attack some members, just not others.

Certainly not - who stated this !? no.gif

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I think a few have hit the nail on the head also - that many of the original members have 'enough' friends and contacts now and aren't too bothered about new members joining and preferring the laid back/open to interpretation banter with existing members - this is of course fine but we just need to make sure that the majority of posts cant be taken the wrong way by potential newbies. No one probably remembers who really nice everyone was to each other at first - it was because we didnt know each other - and it wasnt fake, we genuinly wanted to get on and do things together - we just need to be more welcoming but that is a problem in itself - there are only so many members who want to welcome new people to the board now, whereas again at first literally everyone replied and made people feel welcome.


Personally I just see the membership turning over and gradually increasing over time - which is fine, there really is no mad rush to have loads of members on board


CTW is what it is and I expect it will keep changing - as we know the atmoshere can change monthly depending on what people are doing and what moods we're all in. I bet if we'd all just come back from Ibiza the board would be buzzing.


As someone else stated I dont come on here to get involved in arguments/politics - I get enough of this at work


The short answer to all this is I have no answer as you many of you actually want different things. Just accept the site for what it is today and decide if its for you or not - but have an open mind that things can change - especially if you help make it happen. If the site and its purpose isnt for you then just dont bother posting ! Its really not that difficult to set up your own message board these days - if you want some advice PM me !


ps. If any of you have left the board and you really dont like the site/posts/the people/the concept here then why are you MSNing/Emailing me via someone to ask for access ? It just doesnt make any sense to me at all. At least we can all see the anon logins now in either case - as I say no reason to hide.


I'm off to do something a little more constructive !

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It would never happen but get Kev back arranging events.


When an event gets suggested now people moan about the dates etc until an idea goes into the wilderness, eg Hyde Park this year. Everyone wanted to go but were too busy arguing amongst themselves that nobody went.


The board needs someone who will rubber stamp things and be a focal point.


Shame that he got hounded out, the place has been in decline since.

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We're not prepared to discus this again or online for that matter - as stated many times before NO ONE has been 'Hounded Out' - what a ridiculous idea


Everyone who has 'left the board' has done so off their own back - it appears to me that there is a group stirring things up behind the scenes again - it really is pathetic.


I'm closing this post now as its gone round in circles yet again and it really IS time to move on - if you have a problem with Kev and others not being here then precisely WHY are you here ? Last I heard Kev and some others were setting up another site with a different theme to it - this was in fact the reason he left as the site didnt cater for what he wanted. I suggest people go onto his board.

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