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Tommy left CTW sadly mate. sad.gif


He has gone travelling for around 8 months and is having a total net detox along the way !


Think he is in Bang-cock at the moment.


He apparently pulled a bird last night, alas, it were a man bird !


O god don't tell him I told you :|


But other than that, I think he is fine. grin.gif

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Aye bollocks - I was in bangkok myself last night and didn't see him anywhere mad.gif a pack of lies, that's all it is, just another pack of damn lies!!!!

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Well maybe you werent in the same area as him then, you daft goon.


Seriously though, he has gone travelling for a few months.


Tis a shame, as I was loving the dwarf / midget porn he was sending me, before he told me he was leaving.


The only thing I am getting myself off on now, is animal porn.


It's just not the same.



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No, I couldn't.


I have just have food anyway, and I would liek to be redirected into some soft conversation !


Although I am quite keen on Geek Porn.


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Post somewhat hijacked me thinks ?!??!


Fanks a lot Maria wub.gif


Alright dude !! Hows u ? No plans to move to London, just bought a flat in Bmth ! Will have to meet up when I'm in London next tho. What u been up to ?

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Hey bud,


Congrats on new flat purchasing! Nice one! Deffo give me a shout next time you are coming up for London, the next month is going to be busy, but well up for something. Do you think you'll be in London in October?


Yeah well I haven't been around much, had a fucking mad time basically, I got shot of my ex who was making my life pure hell, which has meant I'm no longer depressed, and I've found a wonderful girl (thanks for the congrats over in general).


Are you still sweeping up the room with your techno broom? Are things PHATTER THAN A LARD ATTACK? devil.gif


Take care


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