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I really do.


Was just about to walk through the kitchen into the bathroom to jump into my bath. Just as I stepped in the kitchen, I saw this MASSIVE spider right on the centre of the floor. So I got my mum to kill it. Got to the bathroom and looked EVERYWHERE before I got in, to make sure there were no spiders in sight, then I'd feel comfortable to get in the bath and relax. It was a nice bath.


I got out, reached down to pick up my towel, and seen this MASSIVE, HORRIBLE lookin spider, right in the corner, not moving, as though he was looking at me and thinking 'Spiders gona get ya, spiders gona get ya'. With that I got my towel and ran as fast as I could. You know, like the Gingerbread man. I KNOW they wont harm you - but I really am shit scared of them.


It feels like they are all out to get me sad.gif





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Spiders are cool. Wasps should be destroyed on sight.


I like spiders, dont like having them on me but I dont mind if they are in my house.

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  • CTW Members
QUOTE (Ginge @ Sep 1 2004, 22:27)
Common spiders. You wanna post pics of tarantulas, or the one that was in Arachaphodia. grin.gif

Yes but you aren't very likely to come across a tarantula in your bath now are you? It's the way house spiders are just everywhere that freaks me out, the way a massive one will just suddenly appear on your ceiling one morning, so you never know where one of the little bastards might be lurking


and that spider in Arachnophobia was rubbish!

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  • CTW Admin

DGirl - I think your pennywise sig pic is more scary than those spiders! tongue.gif

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  • CTW Members

Maria shuttup and eat your spinach wink.gif

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  • CTW DJs
QUOTE (dissolved girl @ Sep 1 2004, 23:18)
Yes but you aren't very likely to come across a tarantula in your bath now are you? It's the way house spiders are just everywhere that freaks me out, the way a massive one will just suddenly appear on your ceiling one morning, so you never know where one of the little bastards might be lurking

^ yeah that.

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