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Guest Luke90

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Hi, I wanted to reply to the other thread but I coulnd't, I may have been doing something wrong so I'm sorry for that.

I was out the other night at a house party and quite a few people used to be members on here, various comments were made and from the impression I got no one seemed to care anymore. Its a shame because when I registered about a year ago this board was buzzing, it used to have loads of members actively helping out and meeting up, unfortunately for myself I could never get there because I lived too far out but now I'm back in London I thought I'd come back (but had to re-register). Now it seems to be like a different board, nothing seems to be happening anymore. What did disappoint me is that a number of people were saying that the people that actually run this board dont seem to care about the members and get the feeling that they are being dictated to, not really a good example if you are trying to attract new members is it. I'm a newbie as such and by looking so far theres alot better out there, not too sure if I, or other new members would want to actively get involved if we will be told what to do or say as appears to have been happening lately. Which is a shame because this site 'did' have a good concept last time I was here but nothing like so now.

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Hello fellow new person.

Well I have been on here what a week or two and have no idea of past events etc but your comment about, I quote *the people that actually run this board dont seem to care about the members and get the feeling that they are being dictated to*

Im not sure what you mean, I have not had anyone on here dictate to me nor have I seen it happening to anyone else? :unsure:

But as I say im new too, but the board seems ace, albeit quiet, but everyone seems friendly enough :thumbs:

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  On 9/5/2004 at 8:22 PM, betty boop said:

Hello fellow new person.

Well I have been on here what a week or two and have no idea of past events etc but your comment about, I quote *the people that actually run this board dont seem to care about the members and get the feeling that they are being dictated to*

Im not sure what you mean, I have not had anyone on here dictate to me nor have I seen it happening to anyone else? :unsure:

But as I say im new too, but the board seems ace, albeit quiet, but everyone seems friendly enough :thumbs:


I noticed you only registered on the 20th August. :bigwink2:

I'm only going on what about 20 people told me but I'm one for making my own decisions.

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Well, firstly, welcome back to CTW :smile:

  On 9/5/2004 at 8:16 PM, Guest Luke90 said:

What did disappoint me is that a number of people were saying that the people that actually run this board dont seem to care about the members and get the feeling that they are being dictated to


And who actually made these comments ? :scratchy:

Rather than sit at a party slagging the site and owners, should come on and in a pleasant mannor let the owner know how they feel and possibly input some ideas to help with the rest.

If @James and others did not care, then we would certainly not have a comments AND suggestions section, nor would James be asking for peoples opinions. Also, most have left due to the fact they couldn't handle the cliqueyness or the nastiness, and to be honest, the people that seem to have left yet come back to either moan what is not on the site to their actual likeing, or whatever, and don't actually help with any input as to how we can solve the 'problem' / 'issue' that is on the site that is making them unhappy / leave. Surely they should be helping with the concept ?


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Not really @Maria. Its a variety of people that have stated they dislike this board because the way they were treated. I'm only stating what I heard, thats all, as I've said before, I know what I want and I wont be told by others. Of course, at this stage it would be stupid of me to name names because I've only just come to London and made friends with these people. All I have to say is that I think I'm going to enjoy being here if not for the entertainment of it all. Its like a real life EastEnders, its got everything. I've also heard about you and a few others. 😛

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hmmm not being funny but seems like your new found friends who party like to gossip maybe w00t.giftongue.gif


Seriously though as you say I have not been here long so have not really got anything to go by as such but from what I have seen, from the few who use the board now it seems an ok place, so maybe it will pick up and get better thumbsup.gif

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  On 9/5/2004 at 8:39 PM, Guest Luke90 said:

Not really @Maria. Its a variety of people that have stated they dislike this board because the way they were treated. I'm only stating what I heard, thats all, as I've said before, I know what I want and I wont be told by others. Of course, at this stage it would be stupid of me to name names because I've only just come to London and made friends with these people. All I have to say is that I think I'm going to enjoy being here if not for the entertainment of it all. Its like a real life EastEnders, its got everything. I've also heard about you and a few others. 😛


Well I am a popular lady doncha know. Want my autograph ? :tongue3:

No-one is told what to do or say on these forums. We have moderation on this board as does EVERY other message board. So if your friends are meaning that their posts get deleted because they have said something against the rules / offensive to another Member and the like, then yes, we would take action and do what a moderator does and each Member should follow the rules. This isn't school. YES it's all real life, but NO-ONE has been treated badly at all or has been 'forced' to leave as some people have stated. That is just ridiculous !


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I know you're not naming any names, so fair enough. But can you enlighten us please on exactly how we dictated and treated these so called people ? I am sure I speak on behalf of the Admin and Mods when I say we want to clear this up once and for all and if we as admin / moderators are doing anything wrong then we would like to rectify it. thumbs.gif

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Not being funny here but this is all what people have been saying, thats all.


I'm also a member of another board that an ex member from here has set up. Its many people from there that used to be members on here that are saying it, hence the reason why I guess this board has gone quiet of late. All it looks to me is that people were banned from here because they were not allowed to express their own opinions, when they did they got banned which your team had stated they didn't or ever have banned anyone. Another thing was was pissing people off is that there were different rules for the members as opposed to those set for the mods and admins. It was okay for the mods to take the piss out of members but as soon as another member did it they got banned.. Bit unfair dont you think? Thats why people got pissed off and left. It is funny to read that if members want to leave they can go and hear that the admin of this board is begging members to come back.


And you being popular is not what I'd call it. wink.gif

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Well it would seem we are just turfing over old ground here.


If these people had such an issue with things regarding James and the moderation, maybe they should have done the adult thing & taken it up with us via pm, as for the different set of rules, I think not.


As I stated before CTW has rules as does any other site, a few members have broken theses on occassions & had the nessacary warnings & if need be a week banning shrug.gif


We can not please everyone on the site, we do try our best to keep most happy, but unfortunately we can not please all, these people have left, ok fair enough, but us posting threads & re starting new threads after old ones are locked, continuosly going over the same thing is not helping either, them, us or the site.


So I am now going to lock this thread, I think all has been said, things have been noted & if there is anyone else on the site who feel we are duely unfair or dictate etc etc, please please pm us, so we can eliviate any issues etc, as our aim now is to not keeping harping on about the past, but to move forward & build the site again, with or without the old members, as harsh as it may sound, but people, we keep hearing how so called members have been ill treated, yet when we ask them to point out where & when, so we can look into it & make sure it does not happen again, we get nothing but, well just certain members?? shrug.gif


As I say, any members who feel there are any problems with the site or the admin or the moderation please pm myself or James so we can look into it & sort as need.


Thanks Maria thumbsup.gif

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