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What's your favourite Chinese Take Away ?


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I was only asking my mum last night while we were waiting for my dad to come home with our food, if she liked it and she said it looks rank. Like phlegm (sp).


I love it. I ALWAYS have it as a starter when I go to a Chinese Resturaunt.


YUMMYNESS throb.gif

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Rice is lovely. I could live on Rice and never get bored of eating it.


Also, after YEARS of not wanting to taste spring rolls because the inside looked rank, I tried them a few weeks ago, and they are now my current addiction when going to a resturaunt. grin.gif

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ile hav 1 in bout an hour then off out 2 a nite called nuklear puppy in edinburgh, wit jason cortez, phil york n fergies heading it aint keen on fergie at the moment though but its som1s 21st

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Egg fried rice is where it's at!


My fave Chinky dishes are...


aromatic crispy duck / pancakes / plum sauce;

spare ribs in that honey-type sauce;

szechuan (sp?) chicken;

chicken curry (I love the Chinese style of curry, nice & savoury)

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its usualy really good , ide like 2 c harder djs play at it but thats meant 2 b in the pipeline n lashed n tidy hav started nites in scotland , tidys 2nd 1 nxt month wit glazby,farley, nu nrg,jason cortez n phil york n paul maddox, cant w8.


Scotland needs 2 wake up a bit in the hard house area or at least ma home town does

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When ever I get a chinese take away, I always get a house special curry and mushroom fried rice.


I love spring rolls but I cant find anywhere in Northampton that does REALLY nice ones sine my fave place shut down.


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