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FAO Everyone

Shaney R

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Yo yo Shaney, just thought I return the favour and say hi!

My teenage daughter has been kidnapped, and the people I work with may be involved in both.

I'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer and this is the longest day of my life...

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  • CTW DJs

As a couple of you already know my dad had a stroke last night at around 3am, i had to go to hospital with him in the ambulance and have been there all day, only time will tell now as to wheather he makes himslef get better and get back on his feet, this man and my mum are the centre of my life and i love them so much, its hard for me to write this, i will be popping on and off, so make sure u keep me updated with anything i need to know etc and thanks to everyone so far.

Bushy your the best mate ive ever had.


Cya soon everyone.


Im on permanent mornings for a while so i have my evenings free from work.


cya u all very soon.



Bookings/Info - www.myspace.com/shaney_r
msn - punani65@hotmail.com


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  • CTW Promotors

Oh my god Shaney hon this is terrible news, my heart & wishes are with you sweet heart & if you need anything at all you know where Tony & I are ok.


My thoughts are with you xxxx huggles.gifflowers.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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  • CTW Members

Good luck to your Dad, shaney!!


Scream's Dad, my uncle had a stroke a while back. He's made a remarkable recovery. Ask Scream about it and I'm sure he'll help lay to rest any fears you may have.

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  • CTW DJs

Thanks very much for the support guys, much appreciated, he's still the same now but abit more witty which is a good sign, i think hes going to pull through this without a doubt fingers crossed.


thanks again.



Bookings/Info - www.myspace.com/shaney_r
msn - punani65@hotmail.com


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  • CTW DJs

Thanks Tony for that, much appreciated and thanks for pointing me in the right direction for the CDJ, i may have a gig for us also, either seperate or B2B at a big event, i will let you know all the details when i get them mate.


Once again thanks for the good words to you and everyone else.


Im off to the hospital so will catch you all very soon.



Bookings/Info - www.myspace.com/shaney_r
msn - punani65@hotmail.com


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  • CTW DJs

Dude, sorry to hear this sad.gif


A good friend of mine's dad had a stroke a while back and he has made a very good recovery also, so my fingers (and everything else) will be crossed for you all.


If he's half a strong a person as you, he will be fine im sure.


Take care mate.

Bet you look good on the dancefloor
*LiamStyles - mixes on rotation*
Current mix "No Concept Of Time" CLICK HERE

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  • CTW DJs

Thanks Liam & Maz, you guys are the tops believe me, thanks 4 everything.............................

Bookings/Info - www.myspace.com/shaney_r
msn - punani65@hotmail.com


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  • CTW DJs
QUOTE (raverbird (jinx) @ Sep 18 2004, 01:33)
ello u, i int bin on 4 ages either, glad im not the only 1 smile.gif

sorry about your dad babe, chin up. huggles.gif


Bookings/Info - www.myspace.com/shaney_r
msn - punani65@hotmail.com


1. Best Dj
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