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Necrophilia now ILLEGAL in the US


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  • CTW Promotors

not everywhere it's not & good job too, its plain sick & wrong thumbsdown.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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  • CTW Members

there are some things which shouldn't need a law....some things which human beings just shouldn't "want" to do....


some things which counselling might be GOOD for.


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  • CTW Promotors

but this is it Phil, some of us humans are freeks & do not understand right from wrong thumbsdown.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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QUOTE (LiquidEyes @ Sep 28 2004, 15:10)

I'm cancelling my trip to the states.




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  • CTW Members
QUOTE (Lisa @ Sep 28 2004, 14:54)
but this is it Phil, some of us humans are freeks & do not understand right from wrong thumbsdown.gif

i guess this is the thing tho...in a way...and this could spark off another debate....but wanting to f*ck dead bodies isn't actually....WRONG......is it...? it's just...."wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong".


it's not something that really harms civilisation as we know it. like stealing a car or killing someone harms civilisation (which it does). it's just...fookin "wrong". not something you should even WANT to do. like you might "reasonably" want to get a car for free. but you shouldn't wanna f*ck a stiff unsure.gif

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  • CTW DJs

Point taken... kinda "victimless crime", unless you think the human corpse is somehow sacred! scratchy.gif


But you have to ask, what's wrong with staying in and having a wank?

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rong. lol.gif


edit: ah, i read "whats wrong with staying there (by the body) and having a wank"

Edited by Phil rr
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