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why do men pee standing up??


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Why do men pee standing up?


God was just about done creating man, but he had two things left over in his bag and He couldn't quite decide how to split them between Adam and Eve.He thought He might just as well ask them...


He told them one of the items He had left was a thing that would allow the owner to pee while standing up. "It's a very handy thing," God told them, "and I was wondering if either one of you had a preference for it."


Well, Adam jumped up and down and begged, "Oh, please, it seems like just the sort of thing a man should have. "Please! Pleeease! Give it to me! On and on he went like an excited little boy. Eve just smiled and told God that if Adam really wanted it so badly,he could have it.


So God gave Adam the thing that allowed him to pee while standing up. Adam was so excited he just started whizzing all over the place - first on the side of a rock, then he wrote his name in the sand, and then he tried to see if he could hit a stump ten feet away - laughing with delight all the while.


God and Eve watched him with amusement and then God said to Eve... "Well, I guess you're kind of stuck with the last thing I have left...


"What's it called?" asked Eve ......... BRAINS! Replied God! grin.gif


Techno, Techno, Techno

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to which the woman replied "i don't need them, I'm always right" wink.gif

Edited by Phil rr
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It's the same difference really, but I quite like the version of the joke that ends "multiple orgasms". grin.gif

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QUOTE (paula @ Oct 6 2004, 20:25)

Women should learn to use the caps lock key. tongue.gif


Not all men are incapable of getting their piss inside the bowl!


But I must admit I've never worked for a company where there isn't at least one "rogue pisser"... who leaves piss around the rim and/or on the floor... yuk!

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Why do men pee standing up?





BECAUSE WE CAN tongue.gif

CTW Sexiest Male Member

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QUOTE (paula @ Oct 6 2004, 21:38)
so u never ever piss outside the bowl?

No, I fucking don't! smile.gif


If any of it goes on the rim, I wipe it off with a piece of toilet tissue. It's basic mannners.

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  • CTW DJs
QUOTE (paula @ Oct 7 2004, 18:06)
what about when it goes on the carpet blink.gif

Sorry, did I miss something? Have I pissed on your carpet...?

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