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Thanks Jim,


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  • CTW Photographers

For those people who didnt see Sarah outside of the clubbing scene, here is a photo of her doing one of her other passions in life,



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me n my friends sarah n dom (tidy girl n tidy boy) agree that she was a great girl, n no matter where we went out we'd always bump into her.

really is so sad.

i remember her as sarah pvc n always going 4 it on the dancefloor smile.gif n looking great whatever she wore!


my condolences 2 everyone-friends/family/clubbin mates

Edited by messynia
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Reading these posts back, Barb7 - your quote of the song really bought tears to my eyes and I think it is so apt, whenever I hear that song I will think of Sarah and her smile.


RIP Sarah


I am so, so sorry that I cannot make the funeral today, but I am there in my thoughts.


Would it be possible for somebody to please pm me the address of her family, or somewhere that I can send a card? x


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I can only re-iterate what everyone has already said. This is a shock and so unbelievably sad. Sarah came over to Ibiza last year and we stayed in the same hotel for a few nights. Within those few days, i felt like i'd known her for ages - she was one of those people that you felt immediately comfortable with and somehow the smallest of things would become hilarious. Her laughter was infectious. She was a real star - a kind, funny, genuine and lovely girl. My heart goes out to her family and close friends. My thoughts are with you at this deeply sad time. I have tears in my eyes as i write this. Sarah, rest in peace honey. You will not be forgotten. xx

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This is a shock a big shock


i remember sarah from Ibiza last year and i met her at whildchild last year


she was so laid back and always up for fun at clubs around the country


sarah is going to be missed alot by many people around the country its sad news really sad.



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ive only jus got on the board but was informed by a few ppl about this tragic event


i didnt really know sarah but i have a great pic of si and sarah at tidysential in leeds last year and i no she was a good friends to a lot of people and even though u dont no someone personally that well on the board ppl know and love each other and u can have great internet friends here which she was to many


i no im not one to really say much but i hope she is at peace and will be happy in the afterlife


you will be missed by all that knew u and those that didnt really know u

it wont be the same not seeing your posts and chatting on here


god bless you

this has really touched me and all my love and wishes even though late go to her family and close friends


xxxxx sad.gif

Edited by dani_babyboo

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It came as quite a shock to hear about Sarah this weekend. I met Sarah a few times over the last couple of years and she was always happy with time for a chat or a stomp. My thoughts are with her family and all her friends at what must be a very hard time.


RIP Sarah

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only just come back from attending my mother's funeral to hear about this!



Sorry to hear about what happened to Sarah, she was a lovely woman to chat with and my prayers go out to you and all your friends! grouphug.gif








always there for the beer, but not wanting to pay!!

Mobile number: 07990 - 936181 (bannanas 'r' us)
e-mail: hunter@merseymail.com
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • CTW Members

i've not visited ctw for a while but paid a short visit today. i'm deeply saddened by this news. sarah was one of the first ctw'ers i interacted with way back when i joined and i'm sorry to say i never got a chance to meet her.





"I've got medication, honey. I've got wings to fly", Primal Scream:Jailbird msn: alasdairmanson@hotmail.com yahoo IM: alimanson@yahoo.com AOL IM: alimanson23@aol.com email: ali_manson@yahoo.com homepage: http://www.magicglasses.com

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • CTW Members

I would just like to say that i know that this is going to be sarah's family and friends first christmas without her being here, but i hope you all get through christmas ok, all the best snowqueenxx

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