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Hello chaps and chapess's


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Hello everybody. How are all you gorgeous people? I aint been around for a while coz I been working my arse off again and studying my brains out at work.



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  • CTW DJs

Ya Ginge, check yaself out, how the devil are ya man, hope 2 catch up with ya soon.

Bookings/Info - www.myspace.com/shaney_r
msn - punani65@hotmail.com


1. Best Dj
2. Funniest Member

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If all goes well I should be out again soon but I dont know exactly when yet. Hope to see most of you either next month or maybe around New Year depending on work.


Missing you all, love to everyone (everyone who cares that is wink.gif ). wub.gifgrouphug.gif

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I've got the interbiew for it on the 30th, only 6 days to go before I become a manager of a Casino. Its pretty scary but my boss has told me I have to pass. He's already told me he would definitely have me as a manager.


Not much pressure at all. blushing.gif


Maria, I know you care. How have you been? Aint heard from you for yonks...partly my fault. sorry.gif

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Will have to come and give you some hassle then .. wink.gif


I am doing pretty goody cheers babe. Got an abcess (sp) in me tooth again as I woke up clenching my teeth when I woke up today, so feeling a bit sensitive in the mouth department ! Off on hollidays 3 weeks today. James has booked us three resort holiday ion Thailand for 12 nights so I am really looking forward to a nice change of scenery / life for 12 days !


Bloody hell, it's well windy outside ! blink.gif

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hey hunni!!!!!!!


cya tommorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



by the way if you get this promotion......can i have a job please smile.gif


People say i have a drinkin problem, I like to call it a gift.

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  • CTW DJs

i miss ya dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bookings/Info - www.myspace.com/shaney_r
msn - punani65@hotmail.com


1. Best Dj
2. Funniest Member

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