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Those of you from clubbed.com might recognise me, for those that don't and the people not on that site my name's Nathan, I'm 18, I'm a student and I live in Lincolnshire England. just thought I'd introduce myself


[ 10 April 2002, 00:08: Message edited by: Dinger ]

Nathan Bell: Don't be afraid, to let yourself go
MSN: CTWDinger@hotmail.com

  • CTW DJs

Nice to meet you Dinger, Im Robin/DJ Freano

Where you studying mate and what?

[Made Up][Made Up][Made Up][Made Up]

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hi Dinger,


hope you come here often cos these posts aint half bad [Wink]


i'm glad i've found someone as young as I am here, since i was a little worried of being the baby face round here (im 19 -tee hee [Roll Eyes] )


Well i have to say it just gets better and better, i am getting dead excited about this all, plus the official opening party should be cool.

Watch out world, here we come!


I would normally find it kinda hard to muster up the 'courage' to just meet some random people, (esp since im only a little 19 year old [Made Up] )

but you lot all seem so nice that i ain't really bothered anymore.



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oh yeah, hey robin,


whats brighton like?


i am in glasgow studying architecture, and i couldnt be arsed (bodes well for my career [Happy] ) coming down to visit brighton Uni to see what it was like, and if brighton itself looked like fun.


you dont happen to know do you?


muchos gracias


andri (i wonder if i should put 'OutofTheBlue' here or my real name....decisions decisions...)

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Hey pEEps!!!


And welcome to clubtheworld. You dont know how cool it is to have people actually coming back to the site to post replies etc.


So heres a big fat simley for you all.


Keep Smiling!



---> Beaker <--- 
Times may change, but standards will always remain.

  • CTW Promotors

Welcome to ClubTheWorld Dinger!


I think I have seen you on the other website, I recognise the name anwyay and there cant be tha many Dingers about! I thought that about my name til I realised theres actually ANOTHER CreamyC lurking in the world of Internet [Fecked Off]


Anyway, enough waffling, I would do a Beaker with his fat smiling but I dont know how to do that stuff [Roll Eyes] anyways WELCOME BUDDY!



MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

  • CTW Admin

Welcome Dinger ! Always makes me smile when I start work, log in, and find another registration - but even better when there's a post from a new member! This is what life is ALL about - progress !


James [Made Up]

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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Robin: studying A-Level physics, biology and electronics at Sleaford schools Joint sixth form, hopefully going to either Birmingham or Newcastle uni to study electronics engineering in September


Andri: Now that I'm here I'll be dropping in just about every day, I may by the baby of the forum now (18) but I'm no babyface [Happy] As for meeting people, life's too short to worry, just get out there and meet people.


Beaker: Cheers for that


CreamyC: Hi, It would have been me on clubbed.


James: Hi, glad to help


House: Hello, you've done your job well [Happy] and I intend to join in the fun [Wink]

Nathan Bell: Don't be afraid, to let yourself go
MSN: CTWDinger@hotmail.com

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Sleaford, middle of nowhere hole, been over to the street once, was ok but nothing to shout about

Nathan Bell: Don't be afraid, to let yourself go
MSN: CTWDinger@hotmail.com

  • CTW Members

Hello dinger! I thought i was the only 18 year old on here - its good to have a fellow youngster with me! Hope to see you soon! Love jane [Happy]

HiGh AbOvE tHe StReEtS aNd HoUsEs RaInBoWs FlYiN hIgH........

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Hi Jane, hope to meet you soon as well, you off to NEC?


[ 10 April 2002, 15:40: Message edited by: Dinger ]

Nathan Bell: Don't be afraid, to let yourself go
MSN: CTWDinger@hotmail.com

  • CTW DJs

>>i'm glad i've found someone as young as I am here, since i was a little worried of being the baby face round here (im 19 -tee hee )


I'm only 19 too! [Happy]

Welcome to the Darkside!
Jan 31st - The Clinic @ Hendre Hall, Bangor
Feb 7th - North @ Lakota, Bristol

UK-Scene Website

  • CTW DJs

>>tHATS SOUND MATE WERE about in linconshire you from cause a couple of years ago i used to work in skegness in a club called the street opposite fantasy island!!!


Ha Ha! I played there last September - very cool club!


Whilst Fantasy Island is in the conversation - is anyone going ot the next event ther on June 15th??


the NYE one that i played at was amazing! - 14,000 ravers 'avin it large! [Happy]


[ 10 April 2002, 18:37: Message edited by: Ikon ]

Welcome to the Darkside!
Jan 31st - The Clinic @ Hendre Hall, Bangor
Feb 7th - North @ Lakota, Bristol

UK-Scene Website

  • CTW Members

hi Ikon, 19 eh? we soon wont be teenagers anymore!

god! [Fecked Off]


I voted you with four stars a few days ago to bring up your rating, (what a stinge!) and i would give you a 5 just for being my age [Cool] but i cant seem to find the vote thingy again - maybe only one allowed.



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