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Hi there, I'm Tom! ooo.gif


So I guess I should write a bit about me, well, let's see... student, 20, at Edinburgh, would like to go out to loooooads more places and, quite liderally, "Club The World"! (can i get a prize for that?)


What do I like, um, well anything really - at the moment I'm really into techno and the like (I sometimes go to Dogma in Edinburgh), but I'll groove to absolutely anything, like funky house, hard house, trance... as long as it ain't uk garage. OK well maybe a little bit of uk garage then ...


Before I came to Edinburgh I used to live in sunny Wakefield (I used to get skitted for that although Wakefield's cooler now than it was for some reason?!).


That's aboot it, not much else to say, other than I might head down to Newcastle for the GK birthday at the end of this month. The lineup looks amaaazing. luxhello.gif E-mail me or I'm on msn as well if anyone wants a chat.


OK, ciao ciao! red.gif


  • CTW Members

Hi !

Welcome to the wonderful world of ClubTheWorld.uk .... Enjoy !! grin.gif

  • CTW Members

Welcome mate, don't worry, your comment about UKGarage not being listened to was totally acceptable, its pants & most think the same on here !


Enjoy your stay ooo.gif


TTG smile.gif

TidyTraxGrant image.gif
' I haven't had a c*nt all night, drinkstable '
E Mail : Grant@ClubTheWorld.com
MSN : TidyTraxGrant@Hotmail.com
YahooID :TidyTraxGrant@Yahoo.co.uk



  • CTW Members

Hiya TomD


Welcome to CTW ooo.gifooo.gifooo.gifooo.gif

  • CTW Members

Hello ooo.gif hope you like the board, every1 is well friendly smile.gif


Lots of bubbles but where's the coke?

  • CTW Members


Hello mate, welcome to CTW. ooo.gifooo.gif


Some of the friendliest people around on here. You'll love it.

Naughty, Naughty, Very Naughty.........Ha Ha Ha Ha

EMail: msz776@hotmail.com

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Thanks everyone for the excellent welcome; you're right, everyone here does seem really friendly, plus you can actually have a decent conversation, without it dropping off the bottom of the thread list within five minutes, like on some really popular message boards.


TTG, I naturally assumed that with a nickname like yours, UK garage might not have been your favourite musical style, shall we say? laugh.gif


  • CTW Members

Got it in one fella ! smile.gif

TidyTraxGrant image.gif
' I haven't had a c*nt all night, drinkstable '
E Mail : Grant@ClubTheWorld.com
MSN : TidyTraxGrant@Hotmail.com
YahooID :TidyTraxGrant@Yahoo.co.uk



  • CTW Members

Hi Tom and welcome!


I'm in Scotland too, in fact I'm the glasgow rep! have been going out more an more lately in part thanks to this site and the excellent people on it,


will email you sometime,


Sig (Andri) ooo.gif

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The Arches rocks wink.gif


can't wait to go back!


anyone up for it?!

  • CTW Members

sure why not? I am going to Freefall (as so beautifully illustrated by myself) sigs amazing link to the amazing freefall post! tomorrow night, Colours on September the 14th (Paul van Dyk), and Inside Out on the 28th (Picotto Foy Latta + a few more I cant remember)




sig ooo.gif



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Hey sig, cool that there's someone on the boards north of the border ... smile.gif


Only been through to Glasgow once, and that was for a hip-hop gig at the Arches about a year back, so I have no idea what the place is like for a proper club night, although I've always wanted to go to Pressure. As far as FF goes, I heard a FF night broadcast live on the radio, with the crowd chanting the standard "Oy oy here we [censored] go ..." every 30 seconds, it was well funny. Sounded like people were having fun ... mashed.gif


  • CTW Members

Lol, Yeah they do shout that "here we, here we, here we fuckin go" a little bit too much sometimes, but its not their fault, they're just caned out of their heads!


I'm not one of them you may be glad to hear, I'm just there for the music (and any tasty ladies on the sig-dar....get it, like ra-dar...oh never mind... tongue.gif ) I can't stand some boring beer boys (alliteration, yes indeed wink.gif ) and especially Neds, hilarious during the day, but plain annoying at night, though i think a lot of them find it hard to stump up the £10-£18 pounds to get in, having spent it on a full closet of white 'sports' clothes, with the tiresome expense of constant washing and starching of caps.


oh dear, bit of a rant there, crazy.gif


anyway I'm actually from Edinburgh, but I just prefer it here, for the huge nights anyway, to be honest I have barely experienced the decent club nights in Edinburgh, having just done the pubs with mates etc


Have a good one this weeked Tom, feel free to get in touch if you are interested in the arches, to be honest everybody agrees that the hip-hop nights are quite dire, though I don't know first hand, so there is more to be had than what you experienced I think,


see ya ooo.gif



  • CTW Members

G'day I also Live in Edinburgerland.I also help out at Dogma.

And run a fortnightly extreme drunkfest at Rush bar.A week on Sunday is the next 1.check out the Forum at http://www.clubdogma.com For info/Rants/nonsense/and even the odd bbit of Sense.Give us a shout sumtime crazy.gif

A Soundsystems for Life.NOt Just For Xmas

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